Installation - Manual

What is the purpose of this information?

How to install the CONNECTION Client if you’ve downloaded the CONNECTION Client from Software Downloads, or have the executable on your machine.

*Please note: CONNECTION Client Prerequisite -.NET Framework 4.6.2. If you do not have it installed the CONNECTION Client installer will attempt to download and install .NET Framework 4.6.2 from the web during the installation. If you do not have an internet connection during installation the install will fail. In that case please have .NET Framework 4.6.2 already installed and it will not attempt to contact the internet. Internet Explorer 9.x or higher is also required.

1. Open the CONNECTION Client installer as a normal user.

2. The CONNECTION Client Installation Wizard will appear. The install options are:

a. Installation Directory(location of the install). The default location is C:\Program Files\Common Files\Bentley Shared\CONNECTION Client\. To change click the (…) box and browse to the folder you wish to install in.

b. Select product language – you now have the option to install a specific language version

c. Create application shortcut on Desktop(off by default). Click in the box to place a check mark to create one the icon on the desktop.

d. In order to continue, you have to agree to the Licensing Terms. Click in the box to place a check mark to agree.


3. Click Next

4. Verify that the CONNECTION Client is listed as the feature to install

5. Click InstallAt this point, you may be prompted for administrator access.

6. The installation begins. If for some reason you need to stop the installation you can click the Cancel button.

7. If not click Finish to complete the installation

Other Language Sources

