What’s New?
The 10.00.15 CONNECTION Client has a new look and feel. You can now navigate through all the key features in one user interface. A short welcome tour will take you through these new features when you first install the CONNECTION Client.
New User Interface
The CONNECTION Client interface provides a link to your CONNECT Center, Notifications, and Application Updates. Go to Settings –Preferences to configure start up options, Notifications, and Updates. The top panel in the CONNECTION Client will confirm the Client’s update status.
Notifications are a new feature to keep you up to date. Get notified when you receive a personal share or when new updates are available. Go to Settings –Preferences –Notifications to configure how often you want to receive notifications.
Keep up to date with the latest CONNECT Edition versions. Application Updates provides you with an easy way to view, manage and install updates all from the CONNECTION Client. Go to Settings –Preferences –Updates to configure how you want to receive update information.
Getting Started
After reviewing the new user onboarding tour, open the CONNECTION Client and sign in to start using the new features and functionality. Existing CONNECTION Client users can use the same email address and password to sign in. Use the “Forgot password” link if you need to retrieve your password. New users can click on the “New User? Register Now” link to create an account. If your organization is already registered at Bentley, you Administrator will need to approve your request before you can use the CONNECTION Client. If your organization is not registered with Bentley, you will be taken to a new user registration page.