How to evaluate a product under Subscription Entitlement Service


The Subscription Entitlement Service supports the generation of evaluation entitlements so that users can try a product without accruing billable usage. This article explains how an end user accesses an evaluation entitlement assigned to him or her and confirms the product is utilizing it.

Evaluation Email

When a sales representative or an administrator assigns an evaluation entitlement to a user, the end user will receive an email titled "New Evaluation Entitlement." It provides the following information:

InformationImportant: Unlike production licenses, evaluation licenses are version-specific. They will not work with older or newer versions of the product. If a product to be evaluated is already installed, ensure its version number matches the version specified in the email. Otherwise, use the download link in the email to install the product.

Screenshot of evaluation email

Accessing the Evaluation Entitlement

Perform the following steps to use the evaluation entitlement:

  1. Sign into CONNECTION Client with the same email address on which the evaluation email was received.
  2. Open the product. If using the evaluation entitlement, the product will display an Evaluation dialog and display the number of days remaining in the evaluation period.

WarningWarning: If a product opens without an Evaluation dialog, it is using production licensing and may log billable usage. Exit the product immediately to avoid unintentional usage, and confirm with an administrator whether the product should be used outside the evaluation period.

Verifying an Evaluation Entitlement

After a product has been opened once, use the following steps to confirm an evaluation entitlement is still active:

  1. Open the Windows Start menu, and search for Bentley Licensing Tool.
  2. Confirm a listing for the product is present with a value of Evaluation in the License Type field.
  3. If a duplicate listing with a License Type of Commercial is present, the evaluation license will be preferred.
    Screenshot demonstrating evaluation license

See Also


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