CONNECT Center Overview

 Product(s):Bentley Cloud Services
 Area:CONNECT Center


The CONNECT Center is intended to be each user's launch point into ProjectWise Projects and CONNECT Services, accessible via It is a collection of tiles that includes Learn Content, Recent Projects, and Recommended Events. As the CONNECT Center evolves additional tiles and options may be included.

Screenshot of CONNECT Center portal

To begin, you must be a registered user and signed in. For those that can sign-in to SELECTservices or Communities, you are already a CONNECTED user.  If not, registration can be completed through the CONNECTION Client. Once registered, the sign-in process can be continued from the CONNECTION Client as well as through other CONNECT Edition products. After you sign-in, will bring you to the CONNECT Center. For instructions see CONNECTED User - Individual User Process or CONNECTED User - Administrator Process

***Supported Browsers: Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari (both Mac OS and IOS)***

CONNECT Center Welcome Banner

Screenshot of welcome banner

The Welcome Banner offers quick and easy access to some of our CONNECT Services and training tools. To use it, click the drop-down menu titled "What would you like to do today?" to reveal available options.

User options

Screenshot of drop-down menu for user

For normal users, the following options are available:

Administrator options

Screenshot of drop-down menu for admins

For users with administrative roles, the following options are available:

Settings and Tiles in the CONNECT Center

There are options to view your current profile as well as sign-out from the CONNECT Center.

1. Navigate to the upper-right corner and select the caret next to your initials

2. The following dialog will be displayed with the option to view your profile, which contains general settings, function and practice areas, communication preferences, site information, and access levels.

3. The option to Sign-out is also available.


1. A notification will be displayed in the top right corner of your browser window when a file is sent, an invitation to a project, or Deliverables Management correspondence, etc.

2. When you click on the notification icon the Notification dialog will fly out from the right side of the window.  Displayed will be all unread shares sorted by date with the most recent at the top. Clicking through the list will mark them as read, or you can click Mark all as read at the bottom to clear the notifications.

3. You can display All notifications or just Unread notifications. They can also be grouped by Category  or by Date

5. To download a shared file click on the file name in the list and you will be prompted to download the file. Click on the Download Now button. The file will be downloaded to your local machine.

6. In order to navigate back to the CONNECT Center at any time select the Home button in the upper-left corner.

7. For easy access to any of the services at any time from the CONNECT Center click on the waffle menu

The Get Started tile

Screenshot of Get Started tile

The four buttons under Get Started highlight functions available on the CONNECT Center portal:

The Learning tile

The Learning tile provides links to various aspects of your Learn content and options for each of the ProjectWise Connection Services -

The ProjectWise Projects tile

The ProjectWise Projects tile enables CONNECTED Users to select a current CONNECTED Project or register a new one. The tile will display the last 5 CONNECTED Projects you selected. Selecting a CONNECTED Project from this tile will open up the ProjectWise Portal, where the ProjectWise Portal displays the available Services associated to the CONNECTED Project along with reporting options.

*For more information on ProjectWise Portal, please review the ‘ProjectWise Portal’ Support Solution on Communities.

1. To register a new CONNECTED Project, select +.

2. The Register a Project dialog will be displayed


*For more information on Project Registration, please review the ‘Register a Project’ Support Solution on Communities.

3. The Recent projects tile provides an option to see additional CONNECTED Projects that are not in the recent projects list. Select the magnifying glass at the top of the tile.

4. The Projects page will show an expanded list of CONNECTED Projects. Additionally, there are options to view My Projects (projects you're a member of), Favorites, Recent Projects, and the ability to Search for CONNECTED Projects that are not listed. The ability to Register a new project propagates throughout all of these options via the Register a project option in the upper-right corner.

5. Favorites – A collection of the CONNECTED Projects that you have designated as a favorite. To mark a CONNECTED Project as a favorite in order for it to be grouped under this section, simply select the star next to the name of any CONNECTED Project. The star will be blue to separate it from the other CONNECTED Projects. Select the star again to remove the favorite status.


6. Recent – As noted above, an expanded list of your CONNECTED Projects.


7. Search – The option to find additional CONNECTED Projects not marked as a favorite or in the Recent list. To search, put the first couple letters of a word in the search field. *Do not add a wildcard (*) after any letter(s) or name you enter. The search will return those CONNECTED Projects with whatever is in the search field, either in the name of the Project itself or in any of the properties of the CONNECTED Project.

Recommended Events

The recommended events tile displays upcoming Bentley events. The event start times are automatically adjusted to your timezone.

 You can browse more events by clicking View All Events button.

My Services

Screenshot of My Services section

The following tiles are offered:

Other Language Sources

