Why am I Pulling a License for Subsurface Utilities Design and Analysis (SUDA)?

Area: Subsurface Utilities



When I launch my civil product, why do I see that I have activated Subsurface Utilities Design and Analysis?

Additionally, I see that in my license log I have Product ID 2174 active.


Product ID 2174 is the Subsurface Utilities Design and Analysis license. When installed, Subsurface Utilities Design and Analysis functionality loads when InRoads, GEOPAK, or MX starts. This product ID represents the 100 inlets level of StormCAD and is included at no additional fee with most OpenRoads packages.

It is possible that you might see Product ID 2174 listed multiple times. This is a known issue that, while it might be a bit confusing, does not affect your license fees.

Bentley Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) is a separate part of SUDA with Product ID 2335. It will appear only when you activate Bentley SUE from the tools menu. Note that the SUE Product ID is shown in addition to the StormCAD for OpenRoads ID.

If you activate one of the advanced hydraulic design products then you will see one of the following Product IDs alongside the 2174 ID. All of these are subject to additional license fees.