Installing Multiple Versions of OpenRoads Designer on the Same Machine (Side-by-Side Installation)

Product(s):OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition
Area: Installation



Can I install two different versions of OpenRoads Designer on the same machine?


Side-by-Side Installations:  Beginning with the 10.10 release (2021 R1), Users can now install multiple versions of the OpenRoads Designer CE application on the same machine.

Side-by-side installations only apply across major versions (i.e. first 2 version numbers, 10.10 and 10.09). If a user attempt to install a minor version (alongside its parent) it will upgrade as in the past.

Die Installationsverzeichnisse sind durch die Versionsnummerierung gekennzeichnet, dasselbe gilt für die WorkSpace-Daten unter /ProgramData und die Einstellungen.

Note: OpenRoads Designer CE will not attempt to copy or manage preferences between versions.   Also, since the Configuration folders are unique to each major version, you may need to copy Configurations forward to the newer versions as they are installed.


For instance with the install of major version 10.10.XX.XX, a user can install previous major versions like or and future major versions like 10.11.00.XX, 10.12.00.XX etc.


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