SELECTserver licensing for Bentley Haestad Products [TN]

 Product(s):WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, HAMMER, SewerGEMS,CivilStorm,SewerCAD, StormCAD, PondPack
 Version(s):08.11.XX.XX and later (features vary)



This document describes general aspects of Bentley Hydraulics and Hydrology product activation (licensing).

Troubleshooting SELECTserver Licensing for Haestad Products

If you have installed a Hydraulics and Hydrology product and are encountering errors or warnings when launching the product, you may find the following article helpful.

SELECTserver License Activation

When using SELECTserver licensing, the programs must communicate with Bentley's SELECTserver license manager. Upon first installing a program that uses SELECTserver licensing, the user can use the program for up to 5 days before having to contact the server. However, the pipe/inlet/link amount that is used during the 5 day period is the least amount offered. For example, 250 pipes for WaterGEMS and 5 inlets for SewerCAD. Once this 5-day period has expired, the program will run in demonstration mode and the user will not be able to compute or save model files.

The user will be prompted to enter a server name and their organization's Site Activation Key when installing the first SELECTserver-licensed Bentley product on a machine. In the case of a Bentley-hosted license server, the server name will be For a deployed license server, the organization's license server name is required. Any other SELECTserver-licensed products installed on the machine will use this same information. The server name and activation key can be entered or changed at any time through the License Management Tool.

In the case of a node-locked license, the user will enter the server name "" and the activation key provided by Bentley. The user will then have to check out the license from the server using the License Management Tool before opening the product. If this is not done, the program will run in demonstration mode and the user will not be able to compute or save model files.

For network licenses, once a license has been obtained, the program will be fully operational at the purchased feature level and will not need to communicate with the server for another 30 days. In other words, a SELECTserver product needs to be able to communicate with the server at least once every 30 days.

Additional information on using the License Management Tool is provided in the sections that follow.

How does licensing / activation work for Bentley Hydraulic and Hydrology products?

Licensing for SELECT and non-SELECT users both use a server name and activation key in order verify the product, the size of the license, and features like AutoCAD integration. All products licensed to a certain site will be on a single activation key. For instance, a user may have licenses for WaterGEMS and SewerGEMS, both contained within their Site Activation Key. If so, they would not be able to license and use WaterCAD.

A given activation key will also contain the size of the license. For example a WaterGEMS license may be 1000 pipe license, or a PondPack license may be a 3 pond license. The size of the license is important because it governs the model size that can be analyzed. If you have a 1000 pipe license, but try to compute a model with 1500 pipes, you will get a notification stating that the number of pipes in the model exceeds the size of the license.

The Hydraulics and Hydrology product licensing and activation information can be viewed and configured using the Municipal License Administrator and License Management Tool. Both of these tools are installed during the installation of the SELECTserver-compatible product and can be accessed through the Windows start menu. (Start > All Programs > Bentley > Product Name > Select Tool).

The License Management Tool is a useful aid for managing checked out or disconnected licenses. It displays the list of available license configurations and allows checking out, checking in, and importing licenses. The products listed depend on what your organization has licensed from Bentley. The License Checkout tab contains the product name, features, and the number of available licenses.

The Municipal License Administrator is useful for managing default license configurations for products with multiple possible feature configurations. For example, if your organization has a license of WaterCAD for up to 250 pipes, and another license of WaterCAD for 5,000 pipes, this tool allows you to choose the default license used by the individual client machine. The default license configuration can be changed at any time with this tool, for instance due to different project requirements. If you have entered your server and activation code, but the don't see any licenses listed, try clicking "Refresh Configurations". The column labeled "Total" shows the number of licenses for a given product. The column labeled "Features" shows the size of the license, as well as any other features, such as AutoCAD integration.

See Also

Hydraulics and Hydrology Product Licensing (Activation) FAQs and Troubleshooting [TN]

Product TechNotes and FAQs

SELECTsupport TechNotes And FAQs

 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group