Product search in Service Request Manager is limited

 Product(s):Service Request Manager


When attempting to create a service request in Service Request Manager, my choices in the Product search are very limited. For example, I only see ProjectWise-related products.


Your organization may have a Managed Services agreement with us. If so, Service Request Manager will ask whether the product in question is hosted by Bentley. If you answer yes, the Product drop-down menu will be limited to the products we manage for you. See details in the link below. If your intention is to log a service request for other products instead, please perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Reset button in the lower right corner.
  2. When asked whether the product is hosted by Bentley, select No.
  3. The Product search should now be open to all products.

See Also

New Service Request - Managed Services users

Other Language Sources
