What is the purpose of this information?
Bulk operations have undergone development changes and this document has been created to align with those changes.
Bulk operations can be used to Add, Delete, Edit, or Export user information, roles, and groups.
What's new?
- Added support for communication email
- Added support to remove attributes from users - leaving a space blank indicates that the value should be cleared
- Added a smaller export which matches expected import headers
- Changed the import such that simpler updates are allowed by reducing the headers you're updating
Examples provided below.
*Note: You can only upload 1000 users at a time. If you have more than 1000 user’s, you will need to have more than one CSV file. For example, if you need to upload 1500 users you will need to have 2 CSV files, one with 1000 users and a second with 500 users.
**Note: This document should be reviewed completely before utilizing the new Bulk Operation features as functionality has changed significantly.
Accessing User Management
To access User Management, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the Subscription Services Portal.
- Scroll down the the Resources section.
- Click on the User Management file.

Add Users / Delete Users Bulk Operations
The only difference between these two is that the Add User operation requires additional user information (email, first name, last name, country, and profile country) to process. The Delete User spreadsheet only requires an e-mail address.
- Click Bulk Operations on the right-hand side and select either “Add Users” or “Delete Users”.

- Click “Download Sample File” and update the provided spreadsheet to contain the required information.
- Upload that file after saving back into IMS using the “Select File” option and selecting that document.
- If you are adding users, you can send them invitation emails if you tick the “Send invitation email to uploaded user(s)”
- Once the job is complete, an e-mail will be sent to the account administrator.
*Note: If you would like to add users individually, please utilize the blue “Add Users” option to the left of the bulk operations option.
Update Users
To change user information such as email address, first or last name, groups, roles, or locked status, you can utilize a bulk operation to update several users' information all at once.
Note: Please export at least two copies of your current directory. One to modify, one for back up. This can be done by performing the following:
- Bulk operations green button
- Update Users option
- "Download Users" option twice
Now that you've got two copies:
- Modify one of the two copies that you’ve just downloaded to match the changes you’re trying to make.
- Note that you can now remove values from users with bulk update by simply making that cell blank in excel for the import
- Once satisfied with your changes, save and import the file
- An email will be sent to you confirming what changes were made
Examples of Spreadsheets to Update Users
- Updating just the e-mail of a few users. I removed all other headers as I am not changing that data:

- Adding an entitlement group for a specific user
Value Exported:

Update Values to Import:

- Removing all the roles and groups from a user
Value Exported:

Updated Values to Import:

Exporting List of Users
Select the “Export User List” option to export users to a .CSV file.

Adding Groups
- Used for adding the groups themselves, not used to add group members.
- Under bulk operations, select the “Add Groups” option and download the sample file:

- Modify the template to contain the groups you wish to have added to your directory
- After saving the changes, you can then reload the same menu above, select the updated file, and click Submit.
Modifying Groups
- Used to modify group attributes (group name / whether group is an Allocation group, Entitlement group, or both), not used to modify group members.
- Under bulk operations, select the “Modify Groups” option and download the template:

- Specify the group you’d like to modify in the first column and then make the desired changes.
- A group must be either an allocation group or entitlement group, it cannot be both. If you wish to change that, simply swap the values.
- After saving the changes, you can upload the spreadsheet utilizing the same menu and selecting the file and then hitting submit.
See also
How to update your Bentley profile information