Term License Consumption Report


This report hosts SELECT accounts’ invoices and the product usage information that explains them. It is replacing the Select Open Access Portal.

This report is shown only to the accounts that use term licenses.

Only Desktop Applications are listed in this report starting 2023 Q2 and 2023 May.


Users with at least one of the following roles can access the report:


Go to the Subscription Analytics reports.

Click on the Term License Consumption tile.

Term License Consumption Tile

Home page

Home page shows the periods when account owned term license.

Highlighted terms indicate that application usage exceeded what was owned. If the account had a Term License in the past, Term License Consumption report is accessible for the period Term License was owned.

Term license report lists all applications that were used during selected term. Those with excess usage are highlighted.

Usage terms and invoices are shown according to the type of term license owned: monthly or quarterly. Selecting a term provides a list of all applications owned during the term. Highlighted applications indicate excess usage.

Invoices and Statements icon opens a list of issued invoices which can be downloaded for a review.

A pricebook icon next to each usage country opens a pricebook by country. Organizations can review pricebooks for the countries where they have contracts for.

Pricebook icon

Data is refreshed daily. A time stamp indicates the last time it was refreshed.

Time stamp

Term License Consumption details (by application)

Term license report lists all applications that were used during selected term.

Selecting a product opens a Term License Consumption Details page that shows when and how many licenses of a specific product was used and how much of it was excess usage.

Selecting a specific usage date opens usage details by hour and indicates a peak usage hour – the time when a concurrent peak occurred. It also shows which machines generated usage.

Selecting a specific usage hour opens it in 10 minutes intervals to show when exactly the usages happen and overlapped.

*It is Bentley’s policy to use the 10-minute interval as our most granular time segment: each hour is split into 6 equal intervals (0-9 minutes, 10-19 minutes, etc.). All commercial programs are built using this base data or some higher-level aggregate. It also shows which machines generated usage.

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