Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked questions on topics that apply to multiple reports.

I used a product this morning. Why isn't it in the report?

The reports refresh only once per day. This means that it usually takes about a day for an action to be visible in a report.

What timezones are the Usage Date and Usage Intervals in?

All time components, such as Usage Date and Intervals, are UTC time.

How do Allocation Group assignments work?

You have two methods to allocation Bentley application usage to Allocation Groups

Application usage will map using one or the other method according to the following criteria of the usage:

Subscription Entitlement Service
All Subscription Entitlement Service usage, regardless of product type, only uses Allocation Groups assigned directly to the IMS user.

Non-Subscription Entitlement Service - Connected User
Non-SES usage for non-Web Applications on machines that have had the Connection Client installed and logged in use Allocation Groups assigned directly to the IMS user.  If the IMS user is not in an Allocation Group, then the usage is allocated to the Allocation Group mapped to the Activation Key.

Non-Subscription Entitlement Service - Non-Connected User
Non-SES usage for non-Web Applications on machines that have NOT had the Connection Client installed and logged in use Allocation Groups mapped to Activation Keys only.

Non-Subscription Entitlement Service - Web Applications
Non-SES usage for web-based applications uses Allocation Groups mapped to Activation Keys only.

E365 Program
This is only applicable to accounts on the E365 program. Site name will be used when possible if the user is not assigned to the Allocation Group.

What is a "Hosted" Server Type?

"Hosted" Server Type means the usage was recorded by a legacy application activated through SELECTserver (activation requires an Activation Key).

I assigned some users or activation keys to Allocation Groups. Why isn't it in the report?

The reports refresh only once per day. This means that it usually takes about a day for an action to be visible in a report.

Why is there a user from another account in my report for an SES desktop application?

When a user is logged in and using a product with Subscription Entitlement Service, that user will be in the report for the account he was a part of at the time of that usage. For example, John is working for Contracting Company in September. He uses an SES version of MicroStation. But in October, John's user account is moved from Contracting Company to Building Company. In November, Contracting Company runs their report for September. They will still see John's September usage because it belonged to them at the time the usage took place.

Hosted usage will always be assigned to the account associated with the activation key.

Why do the Daily Usage by Machine Report and Daily Usage by User Report show a different IMS user for the same usage?

When an application usage takes place and no one is logged into the Connection Client, Bentley will attempt to associate the usage with an IMS user as a courtesy to maximize your organization’s chance of receiving an Earned Value Discount. This is accomplished by either forward-fill or back-fill, depending on when a user first logs into the Connection Client on that machine or windows account.

Forward-fill takes place when either the machine or the windows account has had an IMS user logged into the Connection Client in the past. The usage will be attributed to the IMS user that was last logged into that machine or that windows account.

Back-fill takes place when either the machine or the windows account has an IMS user log into the Connection Client after the application usage takes place. The past usage will be attributed to the first IMS user that logs into that machine (for Daily Usage by Machine) and the windows account (for Daily Usage by User). Usage Details is populated by either the machine or the windows user, depending on which happens first. Only usage in the past 90 days is subject to being back-filled.

Why is there a user in my reports that are no longer part of my organization?

This is the same answer as the question directly above. If Bob was using Machine 123 and signing into Connection Client, then his usage records belong to Bob. If Bob leaves, and Susan starts to use his machine, but Susan is NOT logging into the Connection Client, then her usage records belong to Bob.

How can I tell if the IMS user was logged in for the usage, or if Bentley has inferred the IMS user?

Bentley attempts to fill in the IMS user as a courtesy to maximize your organization's chance of receiving an Earned Value Discount. To ensure that the IMS user is always accurate, users must be logged into the Connection Client when they use a Bentley application.

Why do my filter selections keep changing?

The filters in the reports will show you all of the available options you may select. If the value's cell is shaded with white, that means it aligns with your other current selections. If the value's cell is shaded with gray, that means it conflicts with one of your other current selections. The report will allow you to select the gray value, but it will override the conflicting selection from the other filter.

In the following example, the Country selection is Singapore. SYNCHRO Pro - 2807 was used in Singapore, so it is shaded with white. 2D Dynamics Module HWL - 6128 was not used in Singapore, but was used in the United States, so it is shaded with gray. If the user selects 2D Dynamics Module HWL - 6128, then the filter on Singapore will be removed.

Why does the same usage show up as both Hosted and SES?

A small number of application versions have dual license clients which allow them to report a single usage as both Hosted and SES. The versions that do this are typically the first Connect Edition version of the application. Upgrading to the next version will usually stop this behavior.

Why do I see 2 different emails in the Usage Details reports for SELECTServer checkouts?

Usage Details and some other reports contain columns for Users and Emails. In such reports SELECTServer checkouts may have different emails in these columns.

Admin users that created SELECTServer checkouts are shown in Email column.

Emails of the users that will consume the checkout that were listed while creating them are shown in User column.

Usage Details report show usage interval that starts and ends at the same time. Is it billable?

The first interval of a given usage is already eliminated from this report, therefore usage of an interval that is listed as starting and ending at the same time can be billed for during that 10 minute interval if it is Production usage and generated excess usage, it will be listed in Term License consumption report (when applicable).

We just started using a new product and this usage is not reflected in Term License Report. Why?

Term License Consumption report does not show usage and TLs for 30 days from their first usage of a product within a country because of the trial usage logic.

Report does not load and I see the following message saying "Connection lost. Make sure that Qlik Sense is running properly. If your session has timed out due to inactivity, refresh to continue working."

If refreshing or clearing cookies does not work, make sure that you are not using Mozilla Firefox in private mode. Subscription Analytics do not support Mozilla Firefox in private mode.

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