Machine Registration for non-SELECT accounts

One of the benefits of a SELECT subscription is the ability to pool licenses across any number of machines.  In the absence of a SELECT subscription, a perpetual license only confers a product use entitlement for a single user on a single machine.   

Previously, this node-lock restriction was implemented with a license file generated for a specific machine.  Subscription Entitlement Service (SES) introduces a machine registration workflow managed through the Entitlement Management portal.  This workflow provides a more flexible way to manage the list of machines that are entitled to use the organization’s perpetual licenses. 

Registered machines are entitled to run the product while machines that are not registered will be denied.  If a request for an entitlement is received and there are un-registered licenses, the machine will be automatically registered.  This will continue until there are no available licenses left.  It is possible to pre-register machines that should be allowed to use the limited licenses of each product. 

Once a machine is registered, that registration is locked until the end of the calendar-quarter in which the registration happened.  If, for example, a machine is registered in February, the machine registration will remain locked until the end of March.  After the registration is unlocked, the current assignment will remain in place, but an organization administrator may re-assign the license to another machine.  That new registration will remain locked until the end of the current quarter. 

How do machines get registered?  

Machine will be registered automatically as requests for entitlements are received.  The list of registered machines will be set as these requests come in, on a first come, first served basis until all the licenses are assigned. The request can come in when product is launched, a policy gets refreshed or when a license checkout is done. 

If an organization administrator needs to set the list of machines before it’s filled up by this automatic process, they can follow the steps in “How to register a machine manually”. 

How can I register a machine manually? 

Log in to Entitlement Management portal  as organization administrator and click the “No Subscription” tile to go to the Machine Registration list 




Here you can see the list of the products with respective number of the licenses of each product that the organization owns and the number of machines registered for each product.  

To manage the list of registered machines for a product, click on the Application name. 


Fill in the accurate machine name and accurate product version - if the product is already installed, you can check its version in Windows Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features in the 'Version' column: 


Click the “Add Machine” button: 


Machine is added to the list, “Number Registered”  is getting updated. If maximum amount of registered machines is reached, you will get a notification (in red) in side section: 


Machine registered will be locked until the end date of the calendar-quarter that the registration occurred. Once it gets unlocked, the “Lock” icon next to the machine name will be gone, and “Delete machine” action will become available. 


Machine name is not a Hardware ID of the machine, but it is a Device name you can find in Windows Settings > System > About. This name can be also found using the 'hostname' command (without quotes) when using Command Prompt.

Do I need to check out the license?

Checkouts are not required for client machines with internet connectivity, checkouts are required for machines that have no internet/will be offline.

Will checking out a license require the machine be registered? 

Yes. Checkouts will fail if the machine is not in the registered list for that product.  

How to do a license check-in? 

License check-in is not a standard practice. Check-in request is for exceptional cases only where your organization no longer has access to the machine. Please contact the Bentley Support, when you need to do a license check-in. 

How to unlock a registered machine? 

Machine registered will be automatically unlocked at the start of the calendar-quarter after it was registered.


Unlock request is for exceptional cases only where your organization no longer has access to the machine. Please contact the Bentley Support, when you need to unlock a machine.

How to remove a registered machine? 

Go to the Machine Registration list and click a respective product. Check that the machine you want to remove does not have the Lock icon and the “Delete machine” button is enabled. Click the “Delete machine” button – machine gets removed from the list. 

Does this also apply to product versions licensed through SELECTServer?  


What will the user see if their machine is not in the list? 

You will get an “access denied” messages while trying to do a checkout (in Entitlement Management Portal or in License Client) or trying to launch a product. Please see examples of the messages below (where product is Microstation). 

  1. License checkout: 

2. Launching a product: 

See Also

non-SELECT Announcement and FAQs

Other Language Sources



