Product(s): | CONNECTION Client | ||
Version(s): | | ||
Environment: | N\A | ||
Area: | Access | ||
Subarea: | N\A |
The following explains in detail the preferences and settings available in the CONNECTION Client. This includes a direct Help link to Communities, information about the CONNECTION Client like version number, links to the End-User License Agreement (EULA), and the Terms of Service.
1. Right-click on the CONNECTION Client icon in your system tray
2. Select Open
3. Select the settings icon in the top right corner
Newer versions have the settings / preference accessible on the main page -
4. Select Preferences (only on older CONNECTION Client versions)
5. The CONNECTION Client Preferences dialog will open.
You can set up the CONNECTION Client to automatically sign you in and minimize to the system tray when you logon to your computer.
1. Follow steps 1 thru 5 in the How to set your preferences section
2. Click General
3. Check on Automatically sign me in
4. Check on Minimize CONNECTION Client after sign in
** When a user signs into the CONNECTION Client initially, a security token is generated which is valid for seven days. Starting with CONNECTION Client, when this token is within one day of expiration the CONNECTION Client (if running) will now renew the token for another seven days to keep the user signed in. Users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to avoid signing in every seven days.
5. Click Close when finished
You can choose how the CONNECTION Client checks, delivers and displays your notifications.
1. Follow steps 1 thru 5 in the How to set your preferences section
2. Check on Show Desktop Notifications to display a visible alert
Please note: The CONNECTION client doesn't suppress the specific notifications. But the user can uncheck the "Show Notification" checkbox from Settings. It will not show desktop popups of any notifications.
2. Click Close when finished
You can choose when to check for updates, how to receive them, and where to download the update.
1. Follow steps 1 thru 5 in the How to set your preferences section
2. Click Updates
3. Choose from the following:
a. Download updates but let me choose whether to install allows you to determine when the software download will happen (specified in the fields “Download new updates at”)
b. Notify me when new updates are available controls the update desktop notification displayed
c. Do not check for updates disables this feature
4. To manually check at any time, click Check Now
5. Set to download new updates every day, or a specific day of the week at a specific time
6. Application updates are categorized as follows;
• Critical –new updates for applications you are using, which contain critical fixes
• Recommended –related applications not yet installed, which you may be interested in (coming soon)
7. Optional settings:
a. Include recommended updates
b. Notify me when new, related applications are available
8. Choose the Package Download Location by clicking the( … ) or accept the default location (C:\BentleyDownloads)
9. Click Close when finished
Allows you to synchronize files from ProjectWise Share to your computer. See Share Sync for more detail
1. Enable Share Sync and a message will display that explains how to set the Sync Frequency
2. Set the Sync Frequency
3. You can Sync Now to see any uploads, downloads, or changes immediately
5. To learn more information about ProjectWise Share click the Learn more here link
6. Click Close to exit the dialog box
Your CONNECTED account information will be displayed in the CONNECTION Client Preferences. If you need to make a profile change you can do so from here.
1. Follow steps 1 thru 5 in the How to set your preferences section
2. Click Account
3. Click Manage and your internet browser will open to your profile. Click the Edit Profile button to make changes to your profile.
Other items under the settings menu aside from Preferences are:
1. About
When you select About you get a description of the CONNECTION Client along with the version and architecture
2. Health Check - used to troubleshoot CONNECTION Client and Licensing issues
To use select Health Check from the settings menu then click Run Check when the tool opens
3. Log Collector- used to collect all of the logs required to begin troubleshooting any issues with the CONNECTION Client of License Client
When selected a second dialog will open for you to Collect the logs
Click Collect then name the zip that will be created and save
4. Help
When selected it will open your browser to the Bentley Cloud and Web Services Communities page
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