Analytics Data Export


This tool may be used to get your product usage data in a single table in a CSV file. This allows for self-discovery outside of the restrictions of a formatted report. You may view all Export Jobs that have been created by other Admins and Co-Admins at your account.

There is an option to automatically generate a Data Export Job on a schedule and save the file to a specified location. More about Scriptable Exports here


Users with at least one of the following roles are able to access the report: 


  1. Go to the Subscription Analytics
  2. Click on the Data Export.


Data Export

When it first opens, it will display the list of all Export Jobs that have been run. The Export Jobs may be downloaded from this page. Export Jobs are stored for 60 days.

Click on a column header to sort that column in ascending order. Click on the column header again to sort in descending order. Click on the filter icon for the columns that have them to filter.

The page will automatically refresh every minute. You may also use the refresh icon in the top right-hand corner.



Job Name

The name given to the Job.


Indicates if the Export Job is pending, executing, complete, or failed.

Export Type

Indicates the layout of the data that was requested.

Created by

IMS email address of the user that originally submitted the request.


Date and time of when the Export Job was submitted. It is in the local timezone of the user currently viewing this page.


Date and time of when the Export Job completed. It is in the local time of the user looking at this page.

Remaining Days Available

Jobs are automatically deleted after 60 days. This will countdown the number of days the file has left. When it has 5 or fewer days, it will be highlighted in red.

Export Size

Size of the file.

Actions - Download

Click the Download button to open a Download window of the CSV file. This will be grayed out if the Export Job has not completed.

Actions - Delete

Click the Delete button to delete the file

To create a new export job, click on the Create a New Export Job button in the top right-hand corner. 


Create a New Export Job

Click the Create a New Export Job in the top right-hand corner. This will open the Create a New Export Job dialog box. Click Cancel to close the window. 



Export Type

The format of the export job. More details on Export Type are below.

Job Name

The name for this export job.

Date Range

Date range for the export job. All dates are based on UTC time. The earliest date available is 24 months from the current date. The maximum range that may be selected is 92 days.

Once all of the options have been selected, the Create Job button will activate so you may submit your job. The amount of time it takes for the job to complete depends on how large the report will be based on your Export Type and Date Range selections.  You will be emailed when the file is ready for download. If a job has any issues, it will automatically delete after two days.

Export Type

There are six Export Types, which each have their own layout. The description underneath Each Export Type indicates the report the Export Type is based on.

Export Type


Machine Usage data

Contains data from: Machine Usage and Application Usage by Day

User Usage data

Contains data from: Daily Usage by User

Intervals Data

Contains data from: Usage Details

Peak Usage Data

Contains data from: Daily Peak Application Usage

Inventory Data

Contains data from: CONNECTION Client Inventory

Visa Consumption Data

Contains data from: Visa Consumption and ProjectWise Usage

Cloud Service Usage Data

Contains data from: Cloud Service Usage

Alert History Data

Contains data from: Alert History

Entitled Products

There is no corresponding report in Subscription Analytics. This is a list of all products entitled to the organization (Ultimate ID). It also includes Free Bentley products.

E365 Usage Data

Contains data from: E365 Usage. This is only available to accounts part of the E365 program.

Usage Date

Most of the reports have some type of a UsageDate column. When the CSV is viewed in a plain-text tool such as Notepad, the column is visible as a YYYY-MM-DD format.

Depending on your default Excel settings, if you open the CSV in Excel, you may need to change the column format.


Other Language Sources
