How to collect and submit logs

To retrieve licensing-related diagnostic data for further analysis by Bentley Support, please perform the following steps:

Step 1: Collect logs

1. Open Bentley Log Collector

Bentley Log Collector can be opened in several ways:

Option 1:

Open the Windows Start menu, type Log Collector, and choose Bentley Log Collector from the search results.

Option 2:

  1. Open CONNECTION Client (either open Windows Start menu, type CONNECTION Client, and choose CONNECTION Client from the search results, or right-click the CONNECTION Client icon in the Windows task bar and select Open).

  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to your initials icon in the upper right corner and select Log Collector from the drop-down list.

Log Collector option available in the drop-down list in the CONNECTION Client

Option 3

Run LogCollector.exe (You may also see just LogCollector if your Windows Explorer is configured to hide file extensions) directly from its default installation location, which is:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Bentley Shared\CONNECTION Client

2. Finish collecting logs - save them on your machine:

  1. Click the Collect button in the window that appears.

  2. Select location, enter a file name (please make the date part of the filename) for the logs to be collected and click Save.

  3. After a few moments a confirmation window appears - click OK.

    Confirmation window - logs are collected

Step 2: Submit logs

If the resulting logs file does not exceed 10MB, you can attach it to an email as a reply in your existing service request thread, alternatively attach them to your service request in Service Request Manager - see below.

For any files up to 20MB, sign in to Service Request Manager and attach them to your corresponding service request by following the steps described in this article.

Supplemental Steps

If the resulting zip archive does not include a BeLicSvc.log file or the file contains outdated diagnostic data, please perform the following supplemental steps:

  1. Right-click on the Windows Start menu, and choose Windows PowerShell from the contextual menu.

  2. Copy and paste the following command, and press Enter to execute it:

    foreach ($LogFile in Get-ChildItem "$env:LocalAppData\Bentley\Licensing\Logs\BeLicSvc_*.log"){Get-Content -Path $LogFile | Out-File "$env:Temp\BeLicSvc.log" -Append};Compress-Archive -Path "$env:Temp\BeLicSvc.log" -DestinationPath "$env:UserProfile\Downloads\";Remove-Item "$env:Temp\BeLicSvc.log"

  3. Navigate to the Downloads folder in File Explorer.
  4. Send the archive located here to Bentley Support along with the zip archive generated by Log Collector. To send the file - see Step 2 above.

Note: CONNECTION Client and later collects the BeLicSvc logs correctly, making the supplemental steps above unnecessary.

Manual Steps

Important: The Log Collector utility is included with CONNECTION Client and later. To manually gather diagnostic logs for earlier versions, please perform the following steps instead:

  1. Open the Windows Start menu, type the following, and press Enter:


  2. Zip the Logs folder in the window that appears. This includes logs for CONNECTION Client itself.
  3. Open the Licensing folder.
  4. Zip the Logs folder in the window that appears. This includes logs for the Bentley Licensing Service.
  5. Send both zip archives for further analysis. To send the file - see Step 2 above.

See Also

How to update existing Service Request

Other Language Sources



