Register a Project

 Product(s):Bentley Cloud Services



Organizations can enable CONNECT Users to register and collaborate on ProjectWise Projects. These projects contain project information such as Project Name, Asset Industry, Asset Type, Location etc. While creating a WorkSet in a CONNECT Edition product, you can associate it to a ProjectWise Project where the project information is included in the data files as properties.

Who can register a CONNECTED Project?

To register a ProjectWise Project directly from the CONNECT Center  using "Register a Project" a user must have Administrator, Co-administrator, or CONNECT Services Admin privileges associated with their Bentley account. These privileges are required because registered ProjectWise Projects are Organization-wide resources that represent real-world projects and are used in many different locations for information organization and reporting. Therefore, access is limited to those members of an Organization with sufficient privileges to ensure that only recognized and permitted ProjectWise Projects be registered on behalf of an Organization. Note that Project based roles such as Project Administrator will not allow rights to register a project.

Some of the services like ProjectWise Web Connections, Deliverables Management, ect., will register projects by a user that is not an administrator when accessing the service. That user will not be able to edit project properties or do any other administrator tasks within that project. It will still need to be managed by an administrator. It's part of the service process.

*Users within the organization who were not designated as an Administrator or Co-Administrator who are requesting rights should contact organization's Administrator. Bentley does NOT fulfill these requests.

How to register a ProjectWise Project?

1. From the CONNECTION Client click the CONNECT Center link or from your internet browser go to the CONNECT Center

2. On the ProjectWise Projects Tile, select + in the upper right corner (if you do not have the + symbol that means you don't have the proper role to register a project. You will have to contact your account administrator to request one of the roles mentioned in the "Who can register a CONNECTED Project" section above).



Or, from the main menu select Projects

3. Then click the green button Register a Project 

4. Registration dialog box will be displayed.

 5. Below is a brief description of each field:

6. When all fields are defined click the Save button.

7. After saving you will be taken to the ProjectWise Portal of your newly created project.

How to Delete an Existing ProjectWise Project?

1. Select the ProjectWise Project that you wish to delete

2. Click Edit Project Details

3. Click Delete

***Please Note: If you delete a ProjectWise Project that has had any of the services enabled, you will no longer have access to the data of that service. Please carefully consider this before deleting a ProjectWise Project.***

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