Adding Team Members to the ProjectWise Project

Accessing Project Team Management

How to Access Project Team Management from the ProjectWise Portal. There are 2 ways to do it.

1. Click the Manage Members link on the Team Members tile in the ProjectWise Portal


2. Click Management Members from the Settings menu

3. The Project Team Management page should open

Adding Team Members 

Each Project has a list of users with specific roles. Here’s how to add users and specify roles.

1. Click the Add User(s) button

2. The Add Team Member(s) dialog will launch

3. You can search for users by name or email using the pull down in the search field (these are users in your Organization)

4. Begin typing in a name or email address in the search field and the search should begin to look for users in the Organization that match the search provided

5. Select a user from the list and click the “+” button to add them to the list of users to be added as Team Members

6. At this point, you can assign a role to the user by selecting a role from the pull-down pick-list

PLEASE NOTE: It is now possible to add someone that is either not part of your Organization or is not known to Bentley (known users are CONNECTED Users - registered with Bentley).  These users can be added to any project at any role level, however they will not be able to assign roles and permissions nor will they be able to add other team members.

For these users to be added:

A - You will need to toggle on " Allow External Team Members" when creating the Project.

B - Find the user via email and then add them to the group

7. A user can also be removed from the invitation list by clicking the delete icon

8. Click the Add User(s) button

9. Or, click Cancel to quit

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