How to Create a New Enterprise Role

New Enterprise Roles can be created to suit your Organizations needs. Here's how to create a new role.

1. Click on the New Role button in the top right corner of your screen in the Enterprise Role Management portal

2. The Create New Role dialog will launch

3. Optional: you can select a template, or leave it set to No Template Selected. A template is an existing role that has already been created. If you do not pick a template your new role will be created no permissions selected.

4. Create a unique name for the Role

5. A description is not required but can be provided if desired

6. Click Save to save the new role

7. Or click Cancel to cancel the operation

How to View All of the Enterprise and Project Roles for your Organization

1.From the ProjectWise Portal select to Manage Members as explained in the Adding Team Members to the ProjectWise Project  wiki

2. Click Manage Roles


3. Expand the Enterprise or Project Roles lists in the left-hand navigation

4. Select a role in the list on the left

5. You will see a list of users that have been assigned to that role for this project

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