Unable to login into CONNECTION client (version 11.xx.xx.xx) on Windows 10 machine

Product(s):CONNECTION Client


Unable to sign-in into CONNECTION client for version 11.xx.xx.xx

After reviewing the Bentley.Connect.Client.exe.log it shows error for CoreWebView2. (How to check logs: Logs Collector)

ERROR - App - Unhandled Exception caught: Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core.WebView2RuntimeNotFoundException: Couldn't find a compatible Webview2 Runtime installation to host WebViews. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002)


1. Uninstall the CONNECTION Client from Windows > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.

2. Install WebView2 90.0.818.46 (or newer) - download it from from: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/.

This can be either the Bootstrapper or the x64 Standalone Installer.


Make sure to install the version that matches the architecture of the machine. A 64-bit release is required for CONNECTION Client 11.00.02.xx or later to function.

Screenshot of the WebView2 Runtime download options

2. After installing this, reinstall CONNECTION client.

You can download the latest available version of CONNECTION Client from the Software Downloads page (you need to have the "Download" role to access the page), or from the Bentley Resources.

3. If the issue still persists, please open the Service Request and upload the logs in it.

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