Practitioner Licenses are pre-paid, named-user licenses that allow organization administrators to assign specific users access to the eligible Bentley CONNECT Edition products. With Practitioner Licenses, assigned users have unlimited access to the product for the duration of the license, generally one year.
Important Note: Once the purchase process is complete, the organization administrator must assign the Practitioner License to the end user via Entitlement Management before the license can be utilized. If a Practitioner License remains unassigned and the end-user is already licensed by SELECT covered products, all license usage will continue to be logged as "pooled" and will contribute to peak usage values. If an end-user purchased a Practitioner License without having any existing SELECT-covered products, the application will not activate until the Practitioner License is assigned to the user in Entitlement Management.
To assign a Practitioner License, administrators must ensure the desired users are Connected Users. To learn more about getting users Connected, please see Connected User Setup
Once users are Connected, the administrator can begin assigning the licenses by following these steps:
The functionality of bulk assigning Virtuoso licenses is useful when licenses are many and assigning them one by one becomes a time consuming and error-prone task. Use it when assigning the licenses for the first time and after renewal (see workflows below). We recommend exporting the current assignments to use it as a template later.
This functionality is available for Admins or Co-Admins in Practitioner page in Entitlement Management via the “Assign Multiple Users” action. Downloading a .csv file with virtuoso licenses is available under this action or as a separate one (“Download CSV” button).
Possible workflows:
1. Assign Virtuoso licenses for the first time:
2. Renewal (based on template):
3. Renewal (based on expired licenses):
Once the Virtuoso licenses get bulk assigned, users will get email notifications, like in individual license assignment process.
Practitioner Licenses that are not assigned will not be used in any entitlement requests by the organization's users or the subsequent billing of the usage generated while the Practitioner License is unassigned. To make full use of the Practitioner License for its duration, the license must be assigned to a user.
Reminders will be displayed to administrators in the Subscription Services Portal and in Entitlement Management if there are any unassigned Practitioner Licenses.
A Practitioner License can be re-assigned as many times as necessary on the first day it is assigned to a user. If it was initially assigned to the incorrect user, then changing it within that first day will require no special action.
After that initial 24-hour assignment period, the Practitioner License will be locked for 30 days. At the end of that 30-day period, the Practitioner License will be available for re-assignment, if necessary. Any re-assignment will start the 24-hour open user assignment period again, followed by a 30-day lock.
The reassignment availability date can be seen by hovering over the disabled (grey) assign ('+') button
The end user, upon assignment of a Practitioner License, will receive a notification of the assignment. The user can then activate the product either by using the Activation Wizard or by running the product. The Practitioner License will be indicated by the License Type in the Bentley Licensing tool\Entitlements tab.
Does the assigned user need to do anything on their machine to consume the Practitioner License?
The end user should upgrade their CONNECTION client to version 10.00.18.x or higher. This will allow the usage to be recorded correctly as a Practitioner license and avoid any issues with the Practitioner usage being counted against the alerting threshold used for pooled licenses.
To check the version of CONNECTION Client and to learn how to update, please visit CONNECTION Client FAQs
Within the product, the end user will likely see no difference between a Practitioner License and a typical commercial license. Because users with a Practitioner License receive unlimited access to the eligible Bentley products, Subscription Entitlement Service features such as Access Controls or Threshold Alerting are disabled.
Toggle the 'Expired Practitioners' under the 'Licenses' tab to review who was assigned to these Practitioner licenses when they expired.
Yes, check-outs are available for Practitioner Licenses under the 'Licenses' tab, 'Actions' column, using the Checkout dialog box. When that dialog box opens file out the required information. To import the checkout see, Import License File - Client
Yes, check-ins are available for Practitioner Licenses under the 'Checked out Licenses' tab, 'Actions' column, using the Check-in button.
Toggle the 'Expired Checkouts' under the 'Licenses' tab and expand the expired check-out list for respective Practitioner license.
Most of Bentley's popular offerings are available. Please check the list under 'Products' section on .
Virtuosity offers practitioner licenses for most Bentley products. These include:
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