Registered User - Individual User Process

What is the purpose of this information?

To register as an individual *user by using one of two ways, either by the CONNECTION Client or going through the CONNECT Center

*User: Person who uses Bentley software

If your company has its own domain, use your existing domain email address ( to register.

If you cannot successfully complete the registration processes below, please contact your Account Administrator. 

Option 1 - Using the CONNECTION Client to Register

Step 1: Download the CONNECTION Client

There are 3 ways to get the CONNECTION Client

Step 2: Register the user

1. After installing the CONNECTION Client, select ‘Register Now’ 


2. Enter your information

3. You will receive an email from:  Use the embedded link provided in the email to verify who you are and to create your password

4. Open the CONNECTION Client from the system tray or desktop icon, then sign in and accept the ‘Terms of Service’.   You are now Registered.

*Please note: You can’t proceed without accepting the ‘Terms of Service’


*Please note: If your Account Administrator has not enabled ‘Auto Approvals’ for your Organization, you will not be able to complete the registration process.  Only your Account Administrator can approve your login, please contact them directly.

Once Registered, you will receive a Welcome email with additional information.

 Additional information/HELP

 If you didn’t receive the email message from Step 3 above, follow these steps:

1) Open the CONNECTION Client from the system tray or desktop icon

2) Select ‘Forgot password?’ and complete the information

Option 2 - Using the CONNECT Center to Register

1. Go to CONNECT Center website

2. Select: Don't have an account? Register Now

3. Complete all of the fields listed and then select, Create Account

4. Enter the password you created

5. A verification code will be sent to the email address used to register

If you do not receive the Verification Code email, please contact your Account Administrator. 

6. Enter the verification code

7. Re-enter your password

8. Accept the Terms of Service

You will now have access to the CONNECT Center.  Your roles/permissions must be assigned by your Account Administrator or Co-Administrator.

To submit questions, please see our Communities site: Help

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