Virtuoso Subscription from Virtuosity - Practitioner Licenses are pre-paid, named-user licenses that allow organization administrators to assign specific users access to the eligible Bentley (SES) CONNECT Edition products. With Practitioner Licenses, assigned users have unlimited access to the product for the duration of the license, which is one year.
Once the purchase process is complete, the organization administrator must assign the Practitioner License to the end user via Entitlement Management before the license can be utilized. If a Practitioner License remains unassigned and the end-user is already licensed by SELECT covered products, all license usage will continue to be logged as “pooled” and will contribute to peak usage values. If an end-user purchased a Practitioner License without having any existing SELECT-covered products, the application will not activate until the Practitioner License is assigned to the user in Entitlement Management.
NOTE: The fulfilment contact is not the same role as an Administrator - see: Difference between fulfillment contacts and administrators.
Virtuoso subscription license users received a notice that, as of behavior change for Virtuoso subscriptions. The notice communicated that, as of January 22, 2025, concurrent usage of certain Virtuoso licenses will be prohibited. There is no limit to the number of machines a Virtuoso license can be used on, but users will only be able to use the license on one machine at a time. This includes online (real-time) and checked-out usage of the licensed product. Starting these licensed products in offline mode (i.e. disconnected and not checked out) is not allowed.
If the user attempts to start the same license on a second machine (or checkout the same license for the second machine), they will be denied usage. In newer versions of CONNECTION Client ( or higher), the user will be given the machine name that is currently using the license (for example – “It seems your Virtuoso license is active on another machine. Please close the application on “machine name” and try again.”). If the user stops (or checks in) the license use on the first machine, they will be able to re-start (or checkout) the license on the second machine. More information is available here.
Organization administrators can see which products limit concurrent use by going to the Practitioner assignment page in Entitlement Management. Organization administrators can also monitor capped Virtuoso entitlements in Realtime Capped Virtuoso Usage Report. You can find more information about this report here.
To assign a Practitioner License, administrators must ensure the desired users are Connected Users. To learn more about getting users Connected, please see Connected User Setup
Once users are Connected, the administrator can begin assigning the licenses by following these steps:
Click the Practitioner tile (Main page - Your Subscription Type). If not showing, pull down the country drop-down menu along the top, and select Global.
Alternatively, you can access the Practitioner License from the side navigation - Settings > Practitioner Licensing.
From the list, find the Practitioner License you wish to assign, click the "+" button on the right to the license.
In a new pop-up window that appears, use the field to find the user by name or email address.
After selecting the user click the 'Assign' button - the license will be assigned and the user will receive an email notification confirming the Practitioner License.
If you can't assign a practitioner license, make sure the contact you are attempting to assign the license to has a valid Entitlement Country under User Management. Refer to - Changing user(s) Entitlement Country
Practitioner Licenses that are not assigned will not be used in any entitlement requests by the organization’s users or the subsequent billing of the usage generated while the Practitioner License is unassigned. To make full use of the Practitioner License for its duration, the license must be assigned to a user.
Reminders will be displayed to administrators in the Subscription Services Portal and in Entitlement Management if there are any unassigned Practitioner Licenses.
The Practitioner License is active for a period of one year after you make the purchase and it gets processed in the system. From that moment it becomes available in the system (Entitlement/License Management portal) and is ready to be assigned to a user. In that stage it is active and unassigned until an administrator assigns it to a user - its Start Date will match the purchase/process time, and the Expiration Date will be one year from the Start Date.
An unassigned Practitioner License has no influence on the Start Date and Expiration Date, since they are defined by the time of purchase, not by the time of its assignment.
A Practitioner License can be re-assigned as many times as necessary on the first day it is assigned to a user. If it was initially assigned to the incorrect user, then changing it within that first day will require no special action.
After that initial 24-hour assignment period, the Practitioner License will be locked for 30 days. At the end of that 30-day period, the Practitioner License will be available for re-assignment, if necessary. Any re-assignment will start the 24-hour open user assignment period again, followed by a 30-day lock.
If you need to remove a user from the organization account and re-assign a Practitioner License, to which they are assigned, make sure to re-assign the license prior to removing the user in User Management. If you remove an assigned user, Entitlement/License Management page will show "User Not Found" for the Practitioner License and you will not be able to re-assign it. If this is the case, please open a service request, choose "Licensing and User Administration" for the category and in the description include details about removed user.
If you need to change the email address of an assigned user, make sure not to remove the user in User Management - instead, change user's email address after reviewed the following articles: Bulk Operations 2.0 and How to update your Bentley profile information
If you already removed the user in User Management and the Entitlement/License Management page shows "User Not Found" for the Practitioner License, please open a service request, choose "Licensing and User Administration" for the category and in the description include details about removed user.
The end user, upon assignment of a Practitioner License, will receive a notification of the assignment. The user can then activate the product either by using the Activation Wizard or by running the product. The Practitioner License will be indicated by the License Type in the Bentley Licensing tool\Entitlements tab.
The end user should upgrade their CONNECTION client to version 10.00.18.x or higher. This will allow the usage to be recorded correctly as a Practitioner license and avoid any issues with the Practitioner usage being counted against the alerting threshold used for pooled licenses.
To check the version of CONNECTION Client and to learn how to update, please visit CONNECTION Client FAQs
Only users assigned to the Practitioner License can download the Software. Shortly, after they are assigned the Practitioner License, they will receive an email notifying them about assigning them the entitlements, and which also includes a Software Downloads link. See: How do I assign a Practitioner License?
Account administrators/Co-Administrator do not have privileges to download the software under the Virtuosity order, unless they are assigned the Practitioner License.
Within the product, the end user will likely see no difference between a Practitioner License and a typical commercial license. Because users with a Practitioner License receive unlimited access to the eligible Bentley products, Subscription Entitlement Service features such as Access Controls or Threshold Alerting are disabled.
If the account has both a commercial license and a Practitioner license of the same product, then when it is launched by the user assigned to the Practitioner license, the use of the Practitioner license will be registered, as the Practitioner License takes precedence over the commercial license.
Yes, check-outs are available for Practitioner Licenses. User needs to connect to the Internet at least once to check out the license in Bentley Licensing Tool. For steps, see: Bentley Licensing Tool: Checkout License Tab
There are no License Alerting settings for Practitioner licenses. Practitioner licenses do not generate additional usage and therefore License Alerting would not apply.
While the product may be installed on multiple machines at the same time, per the terms and conditions of a Practitioner license, the named user may not share their license with any other user. The license should only be used by that named user on one machine at a time.
At this time, there is no way to choose which license is used on each machine. Because the same license may be used on multiple machines, even if you have multiple licenses, you may find the concurrent use of the product for the same user is restricted. The solution to this is to have different user IDs registered and assigned to each license.
Practitioner licenses are only available for the latest CONNECT Edition applications. They are designed to utilize the Subscription Entitlement Services licensing model and are connected to an assigned email ID - older versions cannot be used.
Most of Bentley's popular offerings are available. Please check the list under 'Software' section on Bentley's eStore, Virtuosity..
Virtuosity offers practitioner licenses for most Bentley products. These include:
VIDEO: Managing User and License Assignments for Practitioner Entitlements | Virtuosity
Getting Started with Practitioner Licenses
Virtuosity - Frequently Asked Questions