Cardinal Direction


OpenRoad SignCAD 2023




Original Author: 

Bentley Global Technical Support 

Introduction:  The instructions and video below show how-to create a Cardinal Direction to a 15"/12" specification in OpenRoads SignCAD.

Creating a Cardinal Direction using a Highway font.

Step 1:  Click on Text>Place TextIn the Place Text dialog, select Font: Highway E 2K and Size: 15.

Step 2: Click in the Place Text dialog and type S. Change the Size: 12 and type OUTH. Select Text Alignment: Baseline and press the Place Text button.

Step 3: Left-click to place the text in a panel or on the workspace.

NOTE: If placing white text on the white workspace, select the Letter Outline option in the Properties>File Properties to see the placed text.

Creating a Cardinal Direction using a ClearviewHwy font.

Step 1: In OpenRoads SignCAD, pick Text>Place Text. In the Place Text dialog, select Font: ClearviewHwy-5-W-R and Size: 15.

Step 2: Click in the Place Text dialog and type S. Change the Size: 12 and type <space>OUTH. The Clearview font has no definition for the spacing between letters of different sizes, therefore, a space character is added to set the value. Select the space character between S and OUTH and set the Size: 3 by entering 3 in the Size field and pressing <enter>. 

Step 3: Select Text Alignment: Baseline and press the Place Text button.

Step 4: Left-click to place the text in a panel or on the workspace.