Why is only 1 cross section generated per sheet?

Product(s):OpenRoads Designer
Area: Basic Settings
Original Author:Marcus Blake, Bentley Technical Support Group



When creating the cross sections sheets, only one cross section per sheet is created. Why?


Possible causes:

  1. You moved your reference in your sheet model and forgot to select your named boundary identifier and resnap the corners to the reference file.
  2. In the _Civil Default Standards - Imperial.cfg/_Civil Default Standards - Metric.cfg  (found here: C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenRoads Designer CE\Configuration\Organization-Civil) you need to adjust the Cross Section Sheet Spacings and Margins Settings config variables.

    # Cross Section Sheet Spacings and Margins Settings
    # Units are in Sheet master units(feet or meters)
    # NOTE: ALL 4 variables must be set for them to be used.
    # CIVIL_CROSSSECTION_RT_TO_LT_SPACING - If multiple cross sections can fit in the same
    # row moving from left to right, this variable defines the horizontal spacing between
    # the adjacent cross section boundaries.

    # CIVIL_CROSSSECTION_TOP_TO_BOT_SPACING - If multiple sections can fit in the same
    # column moving from bottom to top, this variable defines the vertical spacing between
    # the adjacent cross section boundaries.

    # CIVIL_CROSSSECTION_SIDE_MARGIN - Each cross section is tested in the horizontal direction
    # to determine if it will fit on the sheet and still allow this variable to be met. This
    # distance is measured from the right edge of the cross section clipping boundary to the
    # right edge of the sheet model edge. If the computed distance is less than this variable,
    # a new cross section sheet model will be generated for the next cross section.

    # CIVIL_CROSSSECTION_TOP_MARGIN - Each cross section is tested in the vertical direction
    # to determine if it will fit on the sheet and still allow this variable to be met.
    # This distance is measured from the top edge of the cross section clipping boundary to
    # the top edge of the sheet model edge. If the computed distance is less than this variable,
    # a new column of cross sections will be started if adequate space is available.
    # Otherwise, a new cross section sheet model will be generated for the next cross section.

  3. In the sheet model, the border origin is set to something other than 0,0.