OpenRoads CONNECT Special Interest Group (SIG) FAQs

OpenRoads CONNECT Special Interest Group (SIG)
Frequently Asked Questions
This WIKI article will contain various questions/answers and issues raised during the monthly Special Interest Group meetings.

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Questions and Answers

January 2020 - Fundamentals – Terrain Modeling

Question: Every time I turn on my contours from the Terrain's Element Information, then makes edits and process the terrain the contours disappear. How do I keep them from going away?

Question: How can I delete triangles within the terrain?

December 2019 - Fundamentals – How to Create Templates

Question: Do users typically copy their template library from job to job or centralize it?
You typically centralize a master copy where that is read only. Then each project gets a separate copy.

Question: If you apply the same template to 2 roads in the same dgn and adjust the template for one road, does it adjust the template for the other as well?

Question: How do you use the import template command?

November 2019 - Getting Started, Fundamentals of OpenRoads Designer

Question: Is there anyway to switch the interface back to what it looked like in SS4?

Question: How can you determine the elevation, station and offset along the 3D Terrain Model and 3D Corridor Model?
Here is the workflow to do this on a Terrain: To do this on a corridor:

Question: Will current SS4 dgnlibs be available in ORD?
SS4 dgnlibs need to be upgraded to ORD. "Migrating to OpenRoads Designer" should be a good starting place for migrating from SS4 to ORD:

Question: Is there a way to apply the same shortcuts for functions as in MicroStation (like 31 for copy)?

August 2019 - Best Practices For File Organization

Question: Where can I review more information regarding Best Practices?

Question: Why do we have separate files?
Smaller files are inherently faster and more efficient. They are easier to manage and recall where things are. Multi-user access to files. More control later when you need to compile them for difference scenarios.

Question: What is a recommended file naming system?
ProjectNumber_FileType_NameofType. For example, SR97_Geom_Rout97

Question: Can you have spaces in a DGN file name?

Question: Is there a maximum length to a file name?
The maximum length is standard 260 characters including all the nested directories and file name. What you need to consider is the full path length. The 260 length is reduced if special characters are used.

Question: We want to see a plan, profile, cross section and model views while working, how can we see the profile view if it is in the GEOM file when we are working in the CORR file?
You can open profile views of referenced DGNs in ORD.

July 2019 - Survey

Question: I want to edit my survey data in the view window without it reprocessing/updating back to the FieldBook. Then, I want to be able to reprocess my survey data back to the original data. How can this be done?

June 2019 - OpenRoads ConceptStation Tools and Methods

Question: If a 3D dgn model that contains SUE data is referenced into ConceptStation, will it show in the Visualization?

Question: Are there tools available for signboard & overhead signs in ConceptStation?
We ship a wide selection of road signs. You can create your own and use the content importer. Overhead signs aren't supported, but can be imported from Dgn.

May 2019 - Ramp & Gore Design

Question: Where can I find the ITL used in this SIG?

Question: Can rollover point properties be overridden by a parametric constraint? What is the order of processing?
Rollover values override Parametric Constraints. If you turn off your rollover values, then the parametric constraints will process

April 2019 - What’s New in Subsurface Utility Design and Analysis

Question: Can more substarta surfaces be included in the volume calculations? 
This is currently be developed. As of now, the latest version is

Question: How are quantities handled with the 3D clipping? Do the computations remove the pavement in that example from values?
It is based on the mesh volumes, we do cater for unsuitable/suitable classifications

March 2019 - Where are My COGO Tools?

Question: Can I place a 3D point with civil rules? 

Question: Is there a tutorial with detailed instructions on Civil Accudraw?
Answer: "Why You Need Civil AccuDraw", this details a lot of the Civil AccuDraw functions

Question: What formats can I export my geometry to?
LandXML. Here is a video demonstrating this:

November 2018 - Moving to OpenRoads Designer - Annotation

Question: Can a Text Favorite be created using multiple colors, font, etc.?
Answer: Yes; however, if you want the color settings to display when you add the Text Favorite to an Annotation Definition, then do not assign a Level to the Annotation Definition. It will override the various colors in the Text Favorite. You would need to create multiple Text Favorites to display the various colors if using Annotation Definitions.

Question: Is annotation dynamic? Will it update when the design changes to reflect the changes?
Answer: Yes, the annotation is linked to the element it is annotating. If that element changes, the annotation will change accordingly.

July 2018 - Moving to OpenRoads Designer - Corridor Modeling

Question: How do you create skewed cross section Named Boundaries?

Question: Can random Named Boundaries be inserted later, in any order, or do they have to re-placed in station order?

Question: If I have multiple alignments or corridors in the same file with the same Feature Definition, how do I isolate one or turn off a specific one?

Question: How do I set different widths for the boundaries of the cross sections?

Question: How do you automatically cut sections in locations such as the PC, PT, critical points, etc.?

Question: Is there a way to have all the sheets placed in the same model?
Answer: Yes, you must make a really tall or wide sheet model.

July 2018 - Moving to OpenRoads Designer - Corridor Modeling

Question: Is there a way to display the "View Control" when doing long right click? I don't have it on the menu.

Question: Where can I find additional ORD training related to corridor modeling?

Question: We use the InRoads SS2 add-in trickle tool to help find low points in our model. Is there a similar tool in Openroads Designer?
Answer: Yes, there is a tool named Analyze Trace Slope located on the Terrain tab in the ribbon.

May/June 2018 - Practical Design and Modeling for Intersections

Question: How do you create skewed sections?
Answer: You can create skewed sections by using the Named Boundary tool, Section by 2 points.

Question: How do you know the attachment point for the templates?
Answer: The attachment point is defined when you create the template. It can be any point in the template.

Question: Does OpenRoads have the same limitation with vertical surfaces as SS4? For example, in modeling a wall.
Answer: The limitation with vertical faces is related to the terrain model's algorithm used to triangulate. OpenRoads Designer lets you model vertical faces via the 3D components. So an OpenRoads Models can have vertical faces within the solid models. The vertical face limitation arises when you create a triangulated surface.

April 2018 - Moving to OpenRoads Designer - Centerline Geometry

Question: How do you type degrees, minutes, seconds for the line direction?

Answer: You can use the caret ^ for the degree symbol and the minute ‘ then second ‘’ marks, or you can use colons (ex: s45:45:39w).

Question: Can you increase the font size on the dynamic display elements?

Answer: Go to File > Settings > User > Preferences > View Options – Civil and you can change the size there.

Question: How do you delete a horizontal PI?
Answer: Use the Delete Vertex command located under OpenRoads Modeling > Drawing > Modify.

Question: Can we change the annotation marks to display a different shape?
Answer: The annotation can be changed according to the geometry’s Feature Definition. The Feature Definition calls a Feature Symbology that calls an Annotation Group. You can make the changes by modifying the Annotation Definition within the Annotation Group.

Question: Can we customize horizontal or vertical alignment reports as required, instead of using the provided reports?
Answer: Yes. You can use the raw XML to generate custom reports.

Question: Can you insert VPIs to a complex profile?
Answer: Use the Profile Insert Curve to insert a PI and Curve into a complex profile.

March 2018 - Moving to OpenRoads Designer - Survey and Data Acquisition

Question: How do you import Survey data?

Question: How do you set-up Survey annotation?

February 2018 - Moving to OpenRoads Designer - Terrain Modeling

Question: How do you create a corridor from an existing terrain?

Question: How do you triangulate a POD file over a localized area?
Answer: POD files can be clipped. You can create a terrain element from that clip.

Question: Can you create a terrain from .SHP files?
Answer: Yes, you could use the extract graphics tools to create a terrain model from Shp data.

January 2018 - Moving to OpenRoads Designer - Where to Start

Question: How can I prevent CONNECT Advisor from loading on start-up?
Answer: Within CONNECT Advisor, click on the User Settings gear wheel icon. Uncheck Launch CONNECT Advisor on startup. Click OK.

Question: Can SUE object be included in an existing profile?
Answer: There is an added ability to slice through the 3D model to show SUE/SUDA/OBM or anything in the 3D within the profile.

Question: Can OpenRoads Designer be installed on the same machine as SS4 products?
Answer: Yes.

Question: Is OpenRoads Designer integrated with ProjectWise?
Answer: Yes, visit the ReadMe to see which version of ProjectWise you will need.

Question: How do you set-up sheet number annotation?

December 2017 - OpenRoads Designer - The Road Ahead

Question: Where can I find more training for OpenRoads Designer?

Question: What is the difference between an Alignment and a Linear Feature Definition?

November 2017 - Beyond the Centerline - Using OpenRoads Geometry

Question: Is there a way to get rid of the snap?

Question: Can you re-associate arc to a different element, while maintaining properties?

Question: Is there a Report on Geometry relationships?
Answer: There is not currently a report you can create that will list all elements and the relationships associate to them. It is recommended to inspect relationships through the Explorer > OpenRoads Model. You can navigate through different geometry and view dependencies, and quickly zoom to an alignment to view the rules.

Question: Can the ORD geometry be utilized in OpenBridge Modeler?
Answer: Yes, the geometry and terrain from OpenRoads can be utilized in OpenBridge Modeler.

Question: Is there a quick toggle to see the alignment stations?
Answer: The stationing can be turned on via the Feature Definition.

Question: Is there a way to track alignments similar to SS2?
Answer: Go to OpenRoads Modeling > Home > Model Analysis and Reporting > Civil Analysis > Analyze Point to track alignments.

Question: What is the difference between an alignment and a linear feature definition?

October 2017 - OpenRoads ConceptStation − What’s New in Conceptual Design and Modeling

Question: How can you change the side slope based on height?
Answer: You can edit the templates and set multiple end conditions. The template can be as complex as you would like for a conceptual model.

Question: How can you specify the invert levels of the culverts when placing them?
Answer: Culverts are placed based on the terrain.

Question: Where can I find more videos related to ConceptStation?

September 2017 - Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), Advancing Infrastructure, Design and Construction

Question: Where can I find a best practice for I-model creation?

Question: Where can I find more information of UDOT's 3-D Engineered Models for Construction?

August 2017 - OpenRoads Can't Do That! Can It? (Part Two)

Question: Can a point be apart of more than one alternate surface within a template?
Answer: No. To have multiple alternate surfaces, you would create another point directly on top of the other and assign it the second surface you are wanting to create.

Question: Do you have an example of an end condition transition?

Question: How do you create a terrain from a corridor feature?

July 2017 - Drainage Design, Analysis, and Modeling for the 100 Year Storm

Question: Is it possible to design using OpenRoads Designer (ORD), and save back to SS4?
Answer: You could export the ORD drainage design to LandXML, and then import that into SS4. You could export it using ModelBuilder, and then import that into SS4. Also, you could reference the ORD DGN into SS4. There is not a way to directly open a DGN created in ORD back into SS4 as ORD is forward compatible, not backward compatible.

Question: When laying out inlets and I am asked to select a reference for my elevation, can I choose a corridor or does it need to be a terrain?
Answer: You can select a corridor, a linear feature, or a terrain. You can also type in a specific elevation you would like.

Question: Where can I view more training tutorials on drainage design in OpenRoads Designer?
Answer: Please visit the LearnServer here:

Question: Can you do a batch run of different storms?
Answer: Under Scenarios, there is an option to do a Batch Run.

Question: Is the process for Culvert sizing similar to what this SIG demonstrates?
Answer: Yes, there is an IsCulvert? Setting to make a pipe a culvert for calculations.

Question: Does the Design function also size the inlets?
Answer: Yes, inlet sizing is included with constraint based design. It will pick from a predefined grate or curb opening lengths per contraints that you can define in the inlet tab of the design alternative.

June 2017 - OpenRoads Can't Do That! Can it?

Question: How do you create a terrain model using graphical fiters?

Question: How do you create a template with a brow ditch to intercept overland flow?

Question: Is there a way to control rollover via parametric constraints instead of editing the template?
Answer: Yes, but this would be a manual process since the constraint values entered do not know anything about the slope of the lanes. This could be done in Excel, and imported to meet your needs.

May 2017 - Welcome to OpenRoads Designer

Question: What additional licenses are included in an OpenRoads Designer license?
Answer: If you are using a layered product such as InRoads Suite or GEOPAK Suite, you will need a MicroStation license.

Question: Can SS2, SS4, and ORD reside on same machine?
Answer: Yes.

Question: Are you able to edit the surface from the Cross Section view?
Answer: The cross section is a live view. If you want to change the surface, you can do this with the Dynamic Sections tool, Edit Station.

Question: Is it possible to export ORD civil elements into a GPK or ALG file?
Answer: You can export to LandXML, and then import into a GPK or ALG.

Question: If I import my alignment and vertical profile from GPK or ALG, and then build my whole corridor around it. And then a couple of months down the road the alignment changes. Can I re-import the new GPK or ALG, and expect ORD to automatically adjust itself?
Answer: Yes.

April 2017 - Managing and Working with the OpenRoads Template Library

Question: Can ITL files be used across the versions of SS3, SS4 and OpenRoads Designer CONNECT?
Answer: Yes.

Question: Is there a size limit of an ITL file that makes it inefficient or a problem to work with?
Answer: We have never run into a problem with ITL file size. We have seen one that is about 25 MB that was a little slow opening, but it had no issues.

Question: Does the multiple user ITL functionality work in ProjectWise?
Answer: PW is a checkin/checkout system, so it does not allow the ITL to be modified by multiple people at the same time.

Question: How are affixes automatically applied vertically?
Answer: Affixes are not necessarily applied vertically, but applied left and right. You must manually enter them in vertically.