
Adding Individual Users
Import Multiple Users
Update User's Role
Remove Users

Adding Individual Users

  1. When the project is created the creator will automatically be added to the project as the Project Owner. To add others the project, select Administration > Manage your team.
  1. Click the Add Users If the project organization is federated with the Bentley IMS type, a list of email addresses will populate to be choose from. If the person being added is external to the project organization, it will require the full email to be added.
  1. Next assigned a Role to the user being added.
  1. You may continue to add additional users by typing their email in the top bar, then selecting a Role for them. Click Savewhen finished adding users.

Import Multiple Users

  1. From the Manage your team page click Import users.

    An Import users window will open where an excel sample file can be downloaded.

    Up to 1000 user emails can be added to the spread sheet. Each user will require a Role assignment before being imported into SYNCHRO Control.

  1. Once the spread sheet is populated it can be uploaded to SYNCHRO Control, with the option to send users an email notification.

Update User’s Role

  1. Select the user or users that Roles need to be updated, then select the Assign Roles button.

  2. The Assign Roles window will open, and the Roles can be added or removed.

  3. Select Save and the users roles will be updated


Remove Users

  1. To Remove or Delete a user check the box beside the users name then click the Trash Can button.