Custom Layout allows users to customize the look of their forms PDF printout. Typically, this used to replicate the look of the original paper form that has been made digital with the SYNCHRO Control custom form tool.
Recommended Best Practice: Before for switching to the Custom Layout, fully complete the design of the form on the Design Form Page. Once the layout is switched from Standard to Custom any changes made to the form in the Design forms page will not reflect on the Design Printout page. All changes on the Design Form page will manually have to be replicated in the Design Printout page to keep corresponding form designs.
The Custom Layout design printout page looks identical to the design forms page with a few subtle differences. It allows users to restructure their design printout from a narrower mobile device layout to a wider standard paper page layout, allowing users to have an easy-to-use digital form while replicating the original paper form.
When exporting a Custom layout form to PDF users will get the option to include:
Note: When selecting the Export attachments option, a zipped file will be downloaded to the users Downloads file. The zipped file will include a PDF copy of the Form and a folder contain all images and attachments.