Register a Project

Register a Project

  1. Open URL in web browser.

  2. The page will first redirect to Bentley IMS website for user authentication.

  3. Login with Bentley connect credentials. If you forget your password, select Forget password? This will allow you to reset your password. For new users, you may create your Bentley profile by clicking the Register to take you to the user registration process.

  4. After successful login, SYNCHRO Control home page opens which lists all your recent projects under My Projects.

  5. From the My Projects screen click the Register a Project.

    Note: If the Register a project button does not appear, Click here for details on how to obtain the correct permissions needed to register a project. 

  6. The Register a Project Dialog box will open and has a three-step process: Project Information, Pick Template, and Configure Template.

Project Information

  1. For the first step Project Information you will need to enter a Project Number and Project Name.

  2. Check the box to Enable Media indexing for the project. The Media Indexing feature uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning to search for photos taken of your project.

Note: Media indexing can be turned on at any time, it does not need to activate during the initial project creation.

  1. From the drop-down menus you can select your projects Time Zone, Billing Country, and the nearest Data center location.
  1. Under Project Image click Select and navigate to the location of the image you want displayed for your project. Once the image is selected click Open and the image will load onto your Control project.

Note: The Project Image can be added at any time, it does not need to activate during the initial project creation. On the My Projects home page click on the click the three dots   at the bottom right corner of the project and click Upload Project image. You can also upload the image by selecting Administration in the project, then selecting Manage project Details.

  1. To add a Project location, click the + button.

Note: The Project location description is a manually entered field, it will not auto populate once location is defined.


  1. Once the Map opens, use the search tool, or navigate to your project’s location. Using the drawing tools (Polygon or Rectangle) on the top left corner you can draw a border around your project area. Once completed click the check mark to load the bordered location.

Note: The border can be fine-tuned by dragging the snap points to the desired location.


  1. Once all the information has been added click Next button to go to the Pick Template

Pick Template

  1. There are template options: Bentley project Template and Organization Project template.

    The Bentley project template is the template provided by Bentley with two options: Standard construction template and Standard construction template with work planning.

The Organization project template is a list of custom created template within your organization.

  1. Select the desired template and click Next to go to the Configure Template.

Configure Template

  1. From the Configure Template page there are three configuration options: Forms, Roles and Folders/Files.

  1. Forms allows certain forms to be copied from a template library to this new project.

Note: Forms provisioned on every projected include Daily Logs, Issues, Observations, and RFI’s.

  1. Roles allows pre-determined Roles to be copied over from a templated project to this new project.

Note: The Bentley template roles included in the projects are Project Owner, Admin, Project Manager and Contributor.

  1. Folders/Files simplifies document management by loading a pre-established folder structure with any required files.

Note: The Bentley template folders are Admin, Design Documents, Specifications, Safety, Subcontractors, Closeout Documents, and Miscellaneous.

  1. Click Register. Once the project is successfully registered and all the items from template are copied, click Done.