Working with Document Sets

document set is a group of documents that have been manually added to a container (the set), usually for some purpose, such as to simplify the downloading of multiple documents that exist in different folders. For example, when you download the set, all documents in the set get downloaded.

When you click the action menu next to a document set, you will see all of the options available to you for working with the set. When you have a document set open, you can click the action menu for any document in the set and perform actions on them just as you would from the document's parent folder.

A set can contain one or more documents, and the documents in a set can exist in different folders. A document can be added to as many sets as you want.

Creating a document set

To create a new document set and then add documents to it:

  1. Click the New button and then select Create document set.
  2. If you had one or more documents pre-selected by mistake, then click No, choose other files in the Create document set dialog.
  3. In the Create document set dialog, enter a name and optional description for the new document set and click Create.

    If the folder that you are creating the document set in has a ProjectWise environment assigned to it, then in addition to the name and description, the Create document set dialog will also let you fill out document code (if document code is configured for that environment) and environment attributes.
  4. In the Select documents dialog, click the folder path above the document list to navigate to the folder that contains the document or documents you want to add to the set, then click the check box next to each of those documents and click Select.

The documents are added to the set.

To create a new document set from pre-selected documents:

  1. Select one or more documents, then click the New button and then select Create document set.
  2. In the Create document set dialog, click Yes to confirm that you want the new set to include the pre-selected documents.

    Tip: You can also select one or more documents in a folder and then select Document Set > Create document set from the document's action menu. When you create a set this way, the new set is created with the pre-selected documents automatically added to the set (you are not prompted to confirm or select other files).
  3. In the Create document set dialog, enter a name and optional description for the new document set and click Create.

    If the folder that you are creating the document set in has a ProjectWise environment assigned to it, then in addition to the name and description, the Create document set dialog will also let you fill out document code (if document code is configured for that environment) and environment attributes.

Note: If you close an empty document set before adding documents to it, the set will not be saved to ProjectWise. Once the last document is removed from a document set, the empty set is automatically deleted.

Opening a document set

You open a document set in ProjectWise Web with a single click, just like you are opening a folder. The document list displays a list of documents contained in the set.

Locking the version of a document used in the document set

The Lock to version setting determines which version of a document will be included in the set.

To use this feature:

  1. Add the active version of a document to a document set.
    Note: This setting does not apply to non-active versions that get added to the set. When you add the non-active version of a document, the setting is disabled and cannot be turned on.
  2. Open the set and select Document set > Lock to version from the document's action menu.

    The Lock to version icon displays next to this document in the set.

When you add the active version of a document to the set and turn this setting ON for that document, then the set becomes locked to the specific version of the document that you added to the set (it locks to the sequence number of the version), so that as new versions of the document are created, the set will always use a specific version of the document (the version that was the active version when the setting was turned on).

When you add the active version of a document to the set and turn this setting OFF for that document, then the set will always include the active version of that document, even as new versions of the document are created.

Note: Whether the setting is on or off by default after you add a document to the set depends on whether the datasource setting Versions > Lock flat set documents to versions has been turned on or off by your administrator (this is configured in ProjectWise Administrator).

Adding and removing documents to a document set

Once a set has been created, you can add more documents to it or remove documents from it as needed.

  1. To add a document to a set, navigate to the folder containing the document you want to add, then select Document set > Add to document set from the document's action menu.
  2. To remove documents from the set, open the set containing the document you want to remove, then select Document set > Remove from document set from the document's action menu.