Note: Refer to this wiki for additional information on Guest User Access.
You can customize the project Roles to control who has access to what data in SYNCHRO 4D, Control, and Field. Select Administration > Manage your team, then select the Roles tab.

Steps to create a new Role
- Click Add role.

- Enter the Role name and Role description (example: Site Representation). You may choose to Copy permissions from existing roles as a starting point to create a similar role.

Permissions are broken down into different headings that can be expanded to select the required permissions.

Each permission has an information icon beside it giving more details of what the permission does. Eg. -

- Some permission will have the option to Select all and Clear all to quickly select or remove all the checkboxes.

Some suggested roles and corresponding permissions are below:

- Once all the required permissions have been chosen, click Save.
- In the Assigned To column, the number of users assigned to the role is displayed as a link:

Click on the link to display the list of users assigned to the role:

- From this dialog, you can remove users individually, or remove all users if desired.
SYNCHRO 4D Permissions
The relevant permissions related to SYNCHRO 4D are as follows -

- The user who created the Control project automatically has all permissions regardless of which role is assigned.
- Only users with both Administration > Setup 4D project and iModel > Administrate iModel can create a new iModel and enable the scheduling service in order to make it available to open in SYNCHRO Pro. It is recommended to limit the number of users with these permissions in order to avoid someone accidentally removing or overwriting the active 4D project.
- Only users with all the above permissions (Read/Write) may use File > Save As from SYNCHRO 4D.
- The settings indented under 4D Scheduling > Schedule are dependent on the setting for Schedule. When set to Read/Write, all settings underneath are also Read/Write; when set to None, all settings underneath are also None. When the Schedule is set to Read, settings indented underneath can be edited separately – for example, some users may have Read-only permission for Schedule, Actuals, and Assignments, None for Costs, and Read/Write for Resource status.

- The settings for Documents and Issues under 4D Scheduling relate only to those items in SYNCHRO 4D (desktop) and do NOT relate to the Constructions Issues (Forms) and Documents managed in SYNCHRO Control (web).