When creating new projects, an improved document system is included which provides better control over document editing, versioning and folder access.
As with the legacy document system, to access the Documents files and folders, user will login to SYNCHRO Control and select a project. From the project homepage, select Documents. The system will automatically start the authentication process to verify user login information to gain access to the document module. User will expect see the cloud connection
icon to show up and will disappear when the user is granted access to the document service.
Advantages of the new document system
Enhanced Views
- Additional columns are available providing more detailed information.
- Column views are now customizable.
- Filters for columns are now available.
- Ability to create and manage saved views.
Checkin/Checkout documents
- Documents can be checked out to the user's local machine and locked on the server until the user either:
- Completes the edit and checks in the document(s).
- Uses the Free option to unlock the document(s) discarding any local changes made.
- The Update option will update the server copy with changes made locally without checking in the file until the edits are completed.
ProjectWise Drive
- Includes the option to use ProjectWise Drive to sync the project documents section with your local computer.
- Allows you to open and edit documents from the File Explorer on your computer.
- File are automatically Checked out on server when opened from ProjectWise Drive
Note: This functionality can be toggled On/Off.
- Syncs changes with server copy.
Document Versioning
- Users can now create new versions of documents along with options to view all versions, or just the most recent.
Folder Access Improvements
- Permissions can be set on the Documents root folder which will apply to all documents unless otherwise specified.
- Ability to toggle inherited permissions for both parent folders and its subfolders.
- Ability to modify permissions for individual subfolders while still maintaining inherited permissions for others.
Detailed document information
- Detailed metadata on documents and folders provided in Information panel.
- Ability to define Attributes for documents.
- More robust Audit trail information on both documents and folders.
- Option to Export the Audit trail.
Document Sets
- Creates container to be able to group documents that exist in different folders in a single location.
- Allows user to easily download documents from a single location.
- Keeps the most recent version of a document unless a specific version is locked for the set.
The Documents module gives access to the following: