Create iModel from .SP file (New Projects)

  1. Go to Administration > Manage iModel > Create iModel dropdown > Select .SP iModel.

  2. Enter the project Name and browse or drag and drop the .SP file to the select file window.

  3. Unless you have a specific password setup in the .SP file, keep the User name (Administrator) and Password (blank) as default.

  4. Check the box to Set up this iModel for scheduling service. This will prepare the iModel to be opened from SYNCHRO 4D and set up a scheduling repository for collaborative workflows. Otherwise, this will create a 4D Snapshot, which is just a read-only version for the cloud.

    Note: 4D Snapshot iModels will still be visible in LumenRT.

    Select the version of SYNCHRO 4D you want the iModel created on.

Note: While a SYNCHRO Control project supports multiple iModels, only one iModel can be set up for scheduling service. If you need to upload a new .sp file for any reason, this will become the new 4D iModel and the previous iModel would no longer be accessible by 4D.

  1. Click Create. For a large .sp file it may take time for the conversion to finish. After the iModel is created, you will see that it is marked Primary and 4DPrimary marks the first iModel created. 4Didentifies that the Set up this iModel for scheduling service has been enabled and is the Model that will be opened by SYNCHRO 4D.

  1. After the iModel status is 'Synchronization succeeded', you can open it in SYNCHRO 4D Pro. You may also wish to customize permissions for project member roles and add additional users.