The Dashboard allows you to create reports of forms using form types, property values or quick stats to filter the view.
For Form dropdown lists all of the available forms in the project.
The Graph and Chart widgets allow you to view selected property values as well as filter the grid display by selecting a value. These filters can be used in conjunction with the form type filters to create very specific form reports.
Click on any of the values in either the Radial Chart or Bar Graph (or both) to apply the filter(s) to the form grid. The filter will be added next to the Forms drop down.
You can remove the filter by clicking the X next to the filter name.
The Quick Stats widget displays a preselected list of form stats as shown below:
Each statistic, when selected, applies a filter to the forms grid according to the statistic criteria.
The form grid displays the project forms, as filtered using the options described above. By default the grid will display forms from the last 60 days. Other options are available in the drop down filter in the top right of the dashboard. Four options are available:
By default, the grid is filtered only display the columns (Properties) which are common across all of the form types selected for display. Columns can be added/removed by selecting the Configure Grid Columns option from the 3-dot icon:
It will display the dialog shown below where you can define which properties to include as columns in the grid.
Each column header in the grid also has a filter option using either drop down lists, dynamic filtering or date range filters.
The Export to CSV option will export the data from the current grid view to a .CSV file.