Log4j security concern (render_farm_client.jar) found in SYNCHRO Pro or SYNCHRO 4D Pro installation

See Bentley's public announcement on Log4j here

Issue description

A few users have reported Log4j security concern after scanning SYNCHRO Pro or SYNCHRO 4D Pro directory:

C:\Program Files\Bentley\SYNCHRO\Pro\render_farm_client.jar (for SYNCHRO Pro)

C:\Program Files\Bentley\SYNCHRO\4D Pro\render_farm_client.jar (for SYNCHRO 4D Pro)

render_farm_client.jar is only included into SYNCHRO Pro and SYNCHRO 4D Pro installer. It does not run with SYNCHRO Pro or SYNCHRO 4D Pro by default. If a user does not configure the network for distributed Iray rendering then it is not used at all. 

Example of render_farm_client.jar in SYNCHRO 4D Pro installation directory:

Affected Versions


Affected Versions

Mitigated Product and Versions


Versions prior to 6.4.3.*

6.4.3.* and more recent


Versions from 6.1 to 6.3.

Versions 6.0 and prior are NOT affected.

SYNCHRO 4D Pro 6.4.3.* and more recent versions. SYNCHRO 4D Pro is the replacement product for SYNCHRO Pro.



For users who are concerned about the render_farm_client.jar component and in doubt of its security, the file and its directory (C:\Program Files\Bentley\SYNCHRO\Pro\render_farm_client.jar or C:\Program Files\Bentley\SYNCHRO\4D Pro\render_farm_client.jar) can be removed completely. Removal of these files will not affect SYNCHRO Pro or SYNCHRO 4D Pro functionalities. 

We are planning to exclude render_farm_client.jar completely from the SYNCHRO 4D Pro package in the upcoming release This is because an update to this third-party component is not available and there is no reported usage on render_farm_client.jar.