SYNCHRO Pro - Growth simulation and Cutting Planes limitations in Iray render mode

Growth simulation and Cutting Planes limitations in Iray render mode


Cutting Plane is not supported and object may appear hollow when growth direction is used in Appearance Profile. 

From Lightworks: "it's not possible to fill in the gaps created by a cutting plane. The MDL is applied to geometry, and where the gaps are, there is no geometry to apply MDL to. Currently the only way to implement capping would be to generate a polygon to fill the gap."

Generating a polygon each time when a Cutting Plane moves is going to cause issues such as poor performance due to intersection calculation, transaction commit, rendering context recreation. 


Please avoid using growth simulation and cutting plane in Iray render mode. If growth simulation must be used, using Left- Right or Right- Left simulation may be helpful in solving this problem.