Default View

This module opens the front-stage view that is used to review the iModel and its associated data.

A. Backstage Menu
B. Navigation
C. Select Elements Mode
D. Select Elements Window
E. Context Tools
F. Visibility Tree
G. Find Similar
H. Properties
I. Measurement Tools
J. Section Tools

K. Saved Views
L. Presentation
M. Selected Elements
N. Messages
O. Information Panel

A. Backstage Menu

  Click on the home icon to expand the backstage menu to navigate between different modules. Additional modules are available when working within an iModel.

B. Navigation

3D View Navigation
The default navigation and selection mode enable the following –

Mouse Left Click selects and replace current selection0

Mouse Left Click Window (Left to Right) selects elements completely within selection window.

Mouse Window selection (Right to Left) selects elements even partially within selection window.

Middle Mouse/ Mouse Wheel Click pans around the model.

Mouse Scroll zooms in and out of the mouse pointer location.

With Ctrl Key + Mouse Click or Mouse Window selection adds new elements or removes existing elements from the current selection (toggle / reverse).

Mouse Right Click deselects all selected elements.


We only can select visible component – component behind / covered by another component cannot be selected.


Navigation tools 

 Rotate About Point orbits around the model at the point of left mouse click.

  Pan View moves or pan around the model using the left mouse button.

  Fit View zooms out and centers all visible elements on the screen.

  Window Area creates a window selection and fits the selected area to the window size.

  View Previous sequentially jumps to previous camera positions.

  View Next sequentially jumps back to the latest newer camera position.

  View Cube orients the model to the selected plane (Front, Back, Top, Bottom, Left, Right) around the center of the 3D view window.

  Walk Around simulates a physical walking front and back and look around using the left mouse button.

  Camera On/Off changes the model view to either Isometric or Perspective view.

C. Select Elements Mode

  This mode activates the selection mode to select elements. This also opens the Select Elements tool.

D.   Select Elements Window

This window gets activated for Select Elements Mode and has the following tools -

  Single select (default) is a single selection method that allows the selection of individual elements.
  Select by crossing line is a multi-selection method that selects all the elements crossed by the line drawn on screen. 

  Select by box corners is a multi-selection method that selects all the elements within the square drawn on screen. 

  Replace current selection (default) allows the replacement of the existing selected element with a new selection.

  Add to selection allows the additions of more elements to the current selection.

  Remove from selection allows the removal of objects from current selection by selecting the objects you want to remove from selection.

E. Context Tools

This window gets activated when a selection is made and provides the following tools -

  Clear Selection un-selects all selected elements.

  Hide Elements hides selected elements.

  Isolate Elements isolates selected elements, by hiding unselected elements.

  Emphasize Selected emphasizes the selected elements while greying out all unselected elements.

  Focus Selected will focus in and center the selected element to the middle of the screen.

  Clear Isolated, Hidden, and Emphasized Elements clears all the above options.

F. Visibility Tree

Please check this link 

G. Find Similar

This window shows a filtered list of all elements that were queried using the Search bar in the Visibility Tree.

 Other than that, we also can use this Find Similar to find component by Name.

H. Properties

This window shows the properties of all the selected elements. If multiple elements are selected and have different properties value, it will display as *** Varies ***.

Right-clicking on select property provides the option to Find similar elements having the same values, and list them out in the Find Similar window.

I. Measurement Tools

Please check this link

J.Section Tools

This window provides various tools for creating a cutting plane by referencing a Plane, Element, Range or Shape. Once the section tool is activated it can be adjusted by moving the section handle arrows.  

  Context Tools on the top-left corner of screen can be used to Show/ Hide section handles or Clear sections

Video -

K. Saved Views

This window provides tools to save multiple Views for ease of access to different parts of the model having specific view settings. The Views created in SYNCHRO Modeler are in sync with the ones created in SYNCHRO Control and are available on the iModel Index page.

Note: Desktop views are autogenerated during the creation of the iModel, and is depended on the model authoring format and iTwin Connector used. These Views can only be editined in the authoring tool.

  Creates a new Saved View by capturing all view settings, like camera position and settings, element visibility, section planes, presentation settings, etc.

  Creates a new Group

The following options are available per Saved View

Shared makes the View public and visible to all other users.

Delete removes the View from the iModel.

Rename changes the name of the View.

Retake updates the existing View with current view settings.

Move allows a View to be assigned to a Group.

Manage tags can assign multiple tags to a View, which can be used for querying through the search bar.

Additional settings -

Download Viewport 
to create snapshot of the current view to png file

Apply Camera Only updates the camera position but does not apply the view settings, leaving the current view setting as is.

Show Everything (Default) applies both the camera and the view settings.

Export Saved Views saves the active View as an image.  

Video - 

L. Presentation

Provides options to switch between different render modes, Smooth Shade, Solid Fill, Hidden Line, and Wireframe, and toggles for various View Attributes.

Note: These settings are recording with a Saved View.

M. Selected Elements

Displays a count of all selected model elements.

N. Messages

Shows a history of all messages, pop-ups, alerts, errors, etc. that may have been generated.

O. Information Panel

Identifies the selected control inputs when using a Mouse or Touch screen.

This information is replaced by the next required steps when working with specific tools.