After an animation is created in SYNCHRO Pro, you can right click on the created/selected animation in the Animations window and choose Export Animation.

In Export Animation window> Resolution tab, you can define the resolution, duration, codec, etc.
- Resolution:1920x1080, Frame Rate: 25.
- Duration: typically set to the whole duration. Or set Start and Finish second to export part of the animation
- Split every (sec): This setting is helpful if you have a long animation to export and want to break the long animation into multiple clips.
- Compression codec: The recommended format for efficient results is MP4, using default Codec and Bitrate. AVI may produce a higher quality but will take substantially more time to render.
- File for Export: click the Browse button and choose the directory that you'd like to save your animation.
- "Open animation location when complete" can be enabled to show the exported animation in folder.

Export Animation> Content tab to set your animation layout, render/shaded options, etc.
- Check the boxes to include content or windows in the animation
- All windows/ content can be resized
- Shaded Options, use DirectX 11 with 4x or 8x anti-aliasing
- Add shadows if you’d like but it takes longer to export

Additional settings
- Global Lighting: enable Global Lighting in 3D View Properties> Effects. Then turn on Axis Indicator and adjust Global Lighting direction with CTRL.

- Lighting Intensity: go to Options> 3D View> Lighting Intensity to adjust settings for background (Ambient) or directional light (Diffuse)

- Shadow: If shadow is enabled in 3D View Properties> Effects, additional settings are available in Options> 3D View> Rendering Effects.
- Turn on/ off Jitter
- Use higher numbers for resolution and samples

- Ambient Occlusion: If Ambient Occlusion is enabled in 3D View Properties> Effects, additional settings are available in Options> 3D View> Rendering Effects.
- Set Strength - multiplier on the default contribution for Ambient Occlusion
- Set Radius - multiplier for the screen-space search radius of Ambient Occlusion
- Enable/ disable highest quality

- Fast Silhouette Edges: Set threshold/tolerance used when comparing adjacent pixel depth values to detect silhouettes