Upgrading an existing private project (.sp file)

This section will explain how to upload an existing .sp file to the cloud in SYNCHRO Control so that project members can begin collaborating on the project from SYNCHRO 4D Pro, SYNCHRO Control and SYNCHRO Field. You will be creating an iModel which enables multi-user collaboration and online model viewing, in addition to numerous other features.

  1. Go to Administration>iModel Importer and select New

  2. Enter the project Name and browse or drag and drop the .sp file to the dialog
  3. Enter the user name and password for the .sp file
  4. Check the box to Set up this iModel for scheduling service. This will prepare the iModel to be opened from SYNCHRO 4D Pro and set up a scheduling repository for collaborative workflows.
  5. Choose the SYNCHRO Pro Version. This is the version of SYNCHRO 4D Pro (or OpenViewer or Scheduler) that will be used to open the project. All users who need to access the project from 4D Pro must have the same version installed.
  6. Select Create. For a large .sp file it may take a while for the conversion to finish. After a the iModel is created, you will see that it is marked Primary and 4D. Primary marks the first iModel created. 4D marks the iModel where Set up this iModel for scheduling service is enabled and is the iModel that will be opened by SYNCHRO 4D Pro

    NOTE: If the iModel is marked 4D Snapshot, it means you forgot to enable Set up this iModel for scheduling service. A 4D Snapshot allows users to review a 4D sequence in Control, but does not allow opening and editing the project in SYNCHRO 4D Pro. A single Control project cannot contain both a 4D and a 4D Snaphot iModel.  Click on the 3 dots to access the menu to Delete the iModel, then repeat steps 1-6 making sure to check the box for Set up this iModel for scheduling service.

    While a SYNCHRO Control project supports multiple iModels, only one iModel at a time can be set up for scheduling service. If you need to upload a new .sp file for any reason, this would become the new 4D iModel and the previous iModel would no longer be accessible by 4D Pro. See this topic for more details about replacing the 4D iModel

  7. The status will be displayed for the iModel deployment
  8. When the blue status bar stops moving and "Synced" is shown under the iModel name with a timestamp, then it is ready to be opened in SYNCHRO 4D Pro
  9. After the iModel is created, you can open it in SYNCHRO 4D Pro
  10. You may also wish to customize permissions for project member roles and add additional users

NEXT: Opening a SYNCHRO Control project in SYNCHRO 4D Pro