Power BI Report Templates (Beta)

Table of Contents

Download Template

The latest template v3.7 is now available for download - SYNCHRO 4D Pro Template_v3.7.zip



The template includes the following reports - 




Resource Status

Planned Quantity



  1. Follow the instructions to set up a 4D Control project and install Power BI, as provided here.

  2. To open the Control project with the template, go to Home ribbon > Transform Data dropdown > Edit parameter > ProjectID - Enter SYNCHRO Control project URL -

    Note: CostCode option is currently unavailable.

  3. In 4D Pro, run the following Scripts to capture Data Date, Budgeted Cost, Actual CostIs Critical, and Planned Physical Quantity -

    TASK ASSIGN_UF("PBI_Budget at Completion (BAC)", NUMBER, PROPERTY("Budget at Completion [BAC]"))
    TASK ASSIGN_UF("PBI_Actual Cost (ACWP)", NUMBER, PROPERTY("Actual Cost [ACWP]"))

    TASK ASSIGN_UF("PBI_Is Critical", BOOL, PROPERTY("Critical"))) // Compute Critical Path first
    TASK ASSIGN_UF("PBI_Physical Quantity", NUMBER, SUM(RESOURCE(EXIST(UFV("SolidEntityAspect.Volume"))).UFV("SolidEntityAspect.Volume"))) // Change the User Field Name as necessary
    TASK(NOT STATUS == 1 AND PROPERTY("Planned Finish") < PROPERTY("Actual Finish")) ASSIGN_UF("PBI_Early/Late Finish", STRING, "Late")
    TASK(NOT STATUS == 1 AND PROPERTY("Planned Finish") > PROPERTY("Actual Finish")) ASSIGN_UF("PBI_Early/Late Finish", STRING, "Early")
    TASK(NOT STATUS == 1 AND PROPERTY("Planned Finish") == PROPERTY("Actual Finish")) ASSIGN_UF("PBI_Early/Late Finish", STRING, "On-Time")

    Critical Path
     can be computed from here -

    Multiple Scripts can be pasted and run as one as shown below, but its recommended to create separate scripts for data that does not need refreshing as often.

  4. Run the following User Field Formula to calculate Planned Duration - 


  5. If working with Resource Statuses, make sure to assign a Not Stated status to all relevant Resources in 4D Pro - 


Customizing the Template

  1. Update WBS visual 

    To update the WBS hierarchy levels, select the visual and drag-drop additional levels from under TaskWBSHierarchy table to Visualizations pane > Fields
  2. Update Resource Status categories

    To update Resource Status categories, select the visual and select the required Status Set Name from under the Filters pane -

    Then search for the User Field Name to track corresponding physical quantity from under the Filters pane - 

    Note: All visuals within the section would require customizations, wherever applicable.