- Combined Edit > Simple/Advanced/Snapping Manipulator into one command Edit > Transform. Use keyboard shortcut Ctrl+M to switch between the manipulators
- Added Simulate as Remove setting for Growth Simulation to be used with Maintain and Temporary Resource Appearance Profiles. When enabled, it will appear as if the object is being removed (shrinking over time). When disabled, the object will appear as if it is being installed (growing over time)
Resources, Resource Statuses, Resource Groups
- Added ability to edit the Status Set for current Category in Resource Properties > Status Tab
- Added ability to assign selected Interruption Status on selected Resource by context menu in Resource Status window
- Add “Linear meter” resource unit type in Resource Properties > General
- When creating tasks from Resource groups: added option to link created tasks and divide duration uniformly
- Option to use current Appearance Profile or Resource Group Activity Type for Resource Group assignments
- Added commands Assign Associated Resources (Neutral profile) and Use Assign Associated Resources (default profile) and Remove Group assignments to assign resources from the assigned Resource Group separately on the same task (with and without removal of the group assignment itself) – can be used to allow the Resource Usage to be tracked without affecting the appearance of the Resources or to transfer the assignment from Resource Group to directly assign Resources instead.
- Consider Data Date time of day on rescheduling
- Save baseline no longer requires select all tasks first. After Baseline Tasks is selected, user can choose whether to baseline: All, Selected, or Filtered (visible) Tasks.
Tables, Grouping, Filtering
- Custom grouping in resource group table
- Grouping by codes in Task/Resource/Resource Group tables
- Taking into account differences between no value and empty string when grouping
- Improve copy/paste functions – combine Copy and Copy as Text
- "Select Filtered Tasks" command to Task Filter context menu
User Interface
- Add Philippine Peso currency
- Drag and drop in Resource Group window
- Select resources in 3D View when the appropriate Resource Group is selected via Task Properties > Resource Groups
- Move 3D Paths section within Task Properties > Resources to be more accessible
- Update warning dialog when disconnecting from SWP
Performance / Memory Expense Reduction
- Improve removal of 3D and reading old SP files
- Accelerate 3D filtering
- Optimize working with data containing a lot of UF values
- Refactor some internal data structures to reduce memory expenses and improve performance when working with huge data
Integrations (Import / Export / Synchronization)
- ProjectWise Design Integration CONNECT (v10)
- iModel 2.0 (BIM files): import and export
- Publishing SP files for SYNCHRO 4D Web Viewer service
- SPM file exporter
- Support for recent 3D CAD formats (ACIS 2019, Autodesk Inventor 2020, CATIA V5/V6 V5-6 R2019 (R29), Parasolid v31.1, ProE/Creo 6.0, SolidEdge 2019, SoildWorks 2019, UGS JT v10.2, Unigraphics NX 12.0)
- Asta Powerproject v15 support
- Safran: support import from v7.3
- Excel and SP integrations are now plug-in modules
- Improve synchronization to Primavera P6 PPM SQLite-based