Quick links:
Known issues in this release (upgrade to 2021.2 release which includes fixes to these known issues):
There are a few known issues in this release that have been reported by users. Therefore, our team would like to be transparent in communicating these issues to users, while we are closely monitoring and gathering information from users. Only by gathering and providing all necessary information can you contribute to the quick resolution of these known issues. In the meantime, you can try out the provided workaround and perform registry cleanup to see if the issues still persist.
- SYNCHRO 4D Pro crashes on specific models and user registry settings
- Performing 3D Subdivisions on certain objects result in 4D Pro crashes
- Longer animation export time in 6.4 (as compared to 6.3)
Learn how to report issues to our team so they can be investigated and fixed.
NOTE that the the suggested fixes and workarounds are not universal and may be suitable only for some particular cases.
Upgrading and Downloads:
If you have existing cloud-hosted 4D SYNCHRO Control projects, see the detailed instructions on upgrading cloud-hosted projects from 6.3 to 6.4
If you are starting your first cloud-hosted SYNCHRO Control project, see Collaborating on a cloud-hosted 4D project
Click the links below to download the latest version or visit Software Downloads in the Bentley CONNECT Center.
Major Features:
- Summary Values for User Fields – quick summary of numeric values at WBS or any parent in any grouping method is now possible [Task/3D/Resource/Resource Group table header right click menu>Summarize User Field Values]

- "Recalculate Task Progress" tool to set task Actuals from Resource Status Dates - Use Resource Status dates collected in the field to set the task Actual Start and Actual Finish dates in addition to updating Task Status and % Complete [Project Controls ribbon>Recalculate Task progress – new settings and table columns]

- Display the values at the focus time for Resource Usage and User Field Graphs: The graph legends now display the values for the current focus time for the histogram and/or cumulative graph [Resource Usage right click menu> Options + User Field Graph right click menu>Legend Settings]

- User Field Graph as Histogram with distributed values - distribute quantities, manhours, over task duration for powerful data visualization [new setting in User Field window]

- Export animations to mp4 - now export directly to mp4 without use of post-processing software [Navigator>Animations>right click menu>Export Animation>Resolution]
- Move from Float to Double precision to increase model quality for large or geolocated models - if the 3D model exhibits jagged geometry, difficulty selecting, or objects that "jump" when selected, enable Double Precision for increased model quality [Options>3D View>Advanced>Driver: Use Double Precision]
Improvements for cloud-hosted 4D projects:
- Local caching to improve start time and save presentation settings for cloud-hosted projects – re-opening a recently opened Control project is faster and all presentation settings are restored (such as loaded/unloaded objects, 3D filters, windows, etc.)
- View, create, and edit Forms in 4D Pro – communicate Issues and submit RFIs directly in 4D Pro which can instantly be viewed by other stakeholders online in SYNCHRO Control and via mobile in the SYNCHRO Field app [new Navigator>Forms window] Legacy Synchro Issues have been retired

- Export Viewpoints from 4D Pro for reuse in Control and Field - prepare Saved Views in advance to allow viewers in Control and Field to easily find the correct model location and relevant point in time.
- Only viewpoint name, camera and focus time are exported (Cutting planes, 3D filters, and other 3D View Properties are not supported)
- Option to choose which Viewpoints to export to iModel Saved Views using option “Integrate with Control” [3D right click menu>Viewpoints>Save Viewpoint and Viewpoints window properties]
- Add Transactions window to OpenViewer and Scheduler [Windows ribbon>Transactions]
- Import .sp (except 3D) for iModel seeded Control project - import .sp files to Control projects where the model source is iModel. When iModel is the source of geometry other 3D files cannot be imported (which previously included .sp files). Now Import>Synchro Project is enabled to allow importing all other project attributes except 3D (e.g. Activity Codes, Appearance Profiles) - this will allow importing from a company template containing standard items (e.g. Activity Codes, Appearance Profiles) [File>Import>Synchro Project]
Minor improvements:
- Do not add imported objects to active 3D filters - previously when importing a new 3D model, if a 3D Filter by 3D or Resource was applied, then the newly imported objects were added to the filter automatically. Now you may choose to turn off this new setting to avoid adding newly imported objects to active filters. Newly imported objects may not be visible due to applied filters [new setting in Options>Synchronization>3D >Import Settings > General: Add imported 3D Objects to active 3D Filters]
- Edit Title for EVA Graph - edit the graph title to help stakeholders better understand your data. Edited title will be included when viewing in 4D Pro and when exporting an animation or printing the graph.[EVA graph right click menu>Edit Title]

- Enable both Planned Units/Time and Planned Units simultaneously - previously Planned Units/Time OR Planned Units was editable based on Fixed Units setting [Task Properties>Resources>Planned Utilization]
- Folder structure for filters - organize long lists of filters into [Navigator>3D Filters + Task and Path Filters>right click menu> Add [...] Folder]

- Internationalization of Synchro installers - SYNCHRO 4D Pro installers now supports 13 languages to make it easier to install in your native language. When the product opens, it will automatically be set up in the language chosen when installing. If you wish to change the language later, go to Options>Look and Feel

- Raise warning message when an older version of sp is opened in a newer version of 4D Pro - as a reminder, after saving in the latest version an .sp file will no longer be able to be opened in older versions of SYNCHRO. It is recommended to perform File>Save As when first opening an older .sp file in the latest version so that the older version is not overwritten. This warning may be turned off by checking Do not ask again. If you wish to turn it on again later, enable Options>General>Open File>Warn about an old version...

- Add columns for Cost per resource type in Task table, e.g. Budgeted Labor Cost, Budgeted Material Cost, etc. [Gantt table header right click menu>Customize columns]

- Allow link lines for baseline tasks to be turned off in the Gantt Chart to make it easier to read [Plan ribbon>Gantt Display Options>Gantt Indicators]

- Activity Code summary bars named by Description AND Value [Options>Gantt Chart>Activity Code Mode:Group Name]
- Unassign all Resource Status for Resources with different status history - easily remove all Resource Status histories for multiple selected Resource with different histories [Resource Properties>Status right click menu]
- New User Field Formulas command LEVEL_1, LEVEL_2 etc to return specific tree level [Navigator>User Fields]
- Saved Viewpoint to include custom Focus Time format [3D View Properties>General>Indicator>Focus Time]
- Animation export now supports mp3 format for music
- Resource Group improvements:
- Add Resource Group Properties to Task Usage Spreadsheet
- Add more columns to Resource Group window Customise Columns
- Include assigned resource Groups in Excel Export
- Show list of assigned Resources only in Resource Group Properties>Resources
- Apply “Assign Associated Resources (default profile) and Remove Group assignments” to a selection of several Tasks. [Task Properties>Resource Groups]
- IFC - now supports IFC 4.0.1 or IFC 4.0.2 (schema addendum) in addition to IFC 4.0.0 original schema (of 2013: ISO 16739:2013).
Bugs squashed
- Various fixes and improvements to SYNCHRO Plugin for Microstation
- Shaking iModel when double precision is on
- Saved Layouts missing for some Control projects
- Gantt chart rows do not align with Task list on Print when Sub Footer is on First or Last page only
- Deleting Synchro logo in Export Animation UI leads to a crash
- Animation inconsistency between Control iModel and 4D Pro
- Resource Units Total calculates incorrectly when there are multiple resource rates
- Scheduler may crash on start
- Auto size column width when printing not working correctly
- Focus Time background blocked by the model
- Ambient Occlusion 'strobing' effect
- FBX not importing textures
- -1m Total Float for some tasks
- Negative values when stacking resource units
- Resource Count does not match in graph and spreadsheet
- IFC: integer is out of range. Cannot create building elements
- Growth simulation does not grow for full task duration
- Crash on import IFC that uses «Solid Element Operation» in Archicad
- Admin cannot Export SP from Control projects
Contact Details
This release is in memoriam of Anton Anichkin (1988-2021), Ph.D., Developer (SYNCHRO 4D).
Anton joined the Synchro team in 2007 while studying at the HSE University Master's program. As a talented programmer, he made invaluable contributions to the development and evolution of Synchro Pro (recently SYNCHRO 4D product line). He combined product development with scientific research, which was highly praised by the scientific community.
While his contributions remain embedded in SYNCHRO 4D, he will be greatly missed.