Custom quadrant curve not being recognized


  Applies To    
  Product(s): HAMMER  
  Version(s): 08.11.XX.XX and higher  
  Area: Calculations  


After creating a custom quadrant curve for pumps or turbines in HAMMER in the QuadrantCurves.txt file, the specific speed is not displayed or available for selection in the element properties.


First, make sure the formatting for the custom quadrant curve is correct. For more information on creating quadrant curves, please refer to the HAMMER Help topic "Pump and Turbine Characteristics in Bentley HAMMER".

Check to make sure all the numbers in the file are written as regular decimal numbers and not scientific notation (search for the letter "E" using Notepad)

If the formatting and setup are correct, the issue may be related to the exact version you are using. When HAMMER is installed on a 64-bit machine, both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the program are included. The QuadrantCurve.txt file you need to edit will depend on the version of the program that you are using. You can find out what version you are using by going to File > Help > About HAMMER. If you are using the 64-bit version, this will be displayed in the lower left near the version number.

If you are using the 64-bit version of HAMMER, you will need to edit the text file found at installation folder . When you do this, the specific speed will be listed. If you edit the 32-bit version of the quadrant curve text file (found in the installation folder), the specific speed will not be listed.

See Also

Defining custom four-quadrant curves (specific speed) for pumps and turbines in HAMMER