The result field "Depth (Flooding)" is listed as N/A after computing a model with the SWMM engine. I

Product(s):Bentley CivilStorm, SewerGEMS
Version(s):CONNECT Edition, V8i


The result field "Depth (Flooding)" is listed as N/A after computing a model with the SWMM engine. Is there a way to see the depth of flooding for a node?


"Depth (Flooding) is one of the properties that the SWMM engine doesn't currently calculate, though you can find some additional flooding information in the SWMM report regenerated after calculating the mode. A future release will likely have calculated results for this field.

In the meantime, you can try the following steps. Recent releases of CivilStorm and SewerGEMS include the ability to create User Data Extensions (UDX) based on formulas. To open the UDX manager, go to Tools > User Data Extensions. Highlight "Manhole" on the left side of the dialog and choose the New icon. You can rename the new UDX anything you like.

Highlight the new UDX and you will see the fields on the right side of the dialog. Change the data type to "Real (Formula)". Set the dimensions--in this case, length units--and click in the Formula cell. You will see an ellipsis (...) icon. Click this to open a new dialog.

In this new dialog you will set up the formula. For the flooding depth, this would be the HGL minus the rim elevation. In the upper left, find "Hydraulic Grade Line" and double click this. You will see it appear in the bottom. Click the minus symbol in the upper middle. Then double click on "Elevation (Rim)" to complete the formula. Use the iif function to check for negative values and show them as zero if needed.

When you recalculate the model, the results should appear in the Properties dialog. You can also edit the flex table so that this UDX appears in there as well.

See Also

Creating formula-based User Data Extensions