Why are there 2 entries for the same alternative in the dropdown menu in the properties of a scenari

Product(s):Bentley WaterGEMS, HAMMER, WaterCAD
Version(s):Connect Edition, V8i


Why are there 2 entries for the same alternative in the dropdown menu in the properties of a scenario? One with an "i" and one without it.


When you create a child scenario, by default it inherits the selection/configuration of alternatives of the parent scenario. In which case, you will see the "I" next to the name of the alternative. If you pick the alternative without the "I" in the child scenario, then it will no longer inherit any change to the alternative selection made in the parent scenario. For example, Base Scenario is the parent, and it has Base Trace selected as the Trace alternative. Now, if you go to the Child scenario, "< I > Base Trace" will automatically be selected. If you change the alternative selection in the Base Scenario to "Trace 1" for instance, the Child scenario will inherit the same alternative selection ("Trace 1"). However, if in the Child scenario you select "Base Trace" (without the "I"), then changing to the alternative in the Base scenario to "Trace 1" will not change the alternative selection in the child scenario. (the selection is kept "local")

See Also

Scenario and Alternative Management