Error executing query when using Trace Upstream or Trace Downstream query in Network Navigator

Product(s):SewerCAD, SewerGEMS, CivilStorm
Version(s):CONNECT Edition, V8i
Area:Layout and Data Input


When using the Trace Upstream or Trace Downstream query in Network Navigator, following errors occur.

"End node is not active or the end node doesn't exist."


"A pump must be connected to a storage element, such as a Pond or Wet Well using a single pipe."



For the issue the the missing or inactive end node, this error is seen when upstream/downstream network is disconnected due to disconnected nodes in network or due to inactive elements in between the network like seen below (blue color elements). If you validate the model to check for errors it will direct you to those elements in network due to which disconnection of network is seen.

After connecting these disconnected nodes to the network or making these intermediate elements active, the error should be gone. 

For the error related to missing wet well or pond elements, review the pressure subnetworks in the model and look for any that are missing wet wells or ponds at the upstream end. If a pressure subnetwork starts with another element type, like a manhole or outfall, this is not a valid setup. Replacing this with a wet well (or pond, when applicable) will resolve the issue.

In addition, this issue can occur if pressure pipes other than the pipes connected directly to a pump are set as virtual pipes. Adjusting the properties so that "Is Virtual?" is set to False can help with the error.

Note: Using the Network Connectivity Reviewer is a another option to trace a network upstream or downstream when the model is not yet complete. See this link for details on using this tool: Using the Network Connectivity Reviewer. You will need to have the CONNECT Edition Update 2 release or later to use this feature.

See Also

Using Network Navigator 

Modeling Ponds with Pumps