How to populate or update an existing model with GIS-IDs

 Applies To 
 Product(s):WaterGEMS, SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, StormCAD, PondPack, SewerCAD, HAMMER, WaterCAD
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition
 Area: Layout and Data Input
 Original Author:Jesse Dringoli, Mark Pachlhofer & Scott Kampa, Technical Support Group


How do I populate an existing model with GIS-IDs, or update existing GIS-IDs?


Two options are presented below, for populating an existing model with GIS-IDs. The GIS-ID feature helps keep your model in sync with your GIS. See more on GIS-IDs in this article.

Use existing labels as the GIS-ID

If your GIS unique identifiers are already being used as the "label' field for your elements (for example a pipe (model) with label "12345" has a unique ID (GIS) of "12345"), and you wish to take advantage of the benefits of the GIS-ID feature, you can populate the GIS-ID field with the existing labels using this general process:

  1. Select hydraulic model elements that you want to have GIS-IDs (for example you may want to exclude "model-only" elements such as detail around pump stations - to prevent them from being modified by GIS synchronizations)  Double click the selection set to select those elements.
  2. Open the GIS-ID Control Center (under Tools > Tools), filter > open on selection (filter it to only show the elements that can be "touched")
  3. Copy/paste from Label field to GIS-ID field. Right click the label column, choose "select column", click the Copy button, select the first cell in the GIS-IDs column, click the Paste button. Ensure that the data pasted correctly (and lines up with the label column).

Use new labeling system from the GIS

If the unique ID system is only present in your GIS, you can use the new spatial join feature (available starting with the CONNECT Edition Update 1 release of water and storm/sewer products.) This option in ModelBuilder allows you to build and update a model based on spatial proximity of the elements. This workflow will assume that your source file has the hydraulic model elements in them, as well as their GIS-IDs.

If so, go through ModelBuilder as you normally would until you get to the section called Specify Additional Options. Here you will have a choice between using a Key Field to add to or update a model or mapping based on the closest matching geometries. Choose the latter option.

After clicking Next, you will be in the Field Mapping section. Since you will be using the closest matching geometries, you will not by using the Key Field. Instead, ModelBuilder will look for geometries in the model that match that found in the source file based on spatial proximity (ex: overlapping). To add the GIS-ID in the source file to your hydraulic model, map the Label and GIS-ID columns in the source file to the respective property in the hydraulic model.

If the element is already in the model, it should match up with the label that you mapped to the hydraulic model. By mapping the GIS-ID, it will also update the element with the proper GIS-ID. If the element is not already in the model, it will be added to it.

Updating a model that already uses GIS-ID

If you have an existing model that already uses GIS-IDs, but you need to update those GIS-IDs to a new naming system (such as GlobalID), you can either use the spatial join approach mentioned above, or consider utilizing the GIS-ID Control Center (available starting with CONNECT Edition Update 1) for cases where spatial join does not work well.

The GIS-ID Control Center is available under Tools > GIS-ID Center > GIS-ID Control Center. All elements in the model are available in the table and the GIS-IDs are visible without having to drill into the GID-ID "collection". The GIS-ID column is a comma delimited field, meaning that multiple GIS-IDs can be entered and viewed here, separated with a comma. ModelBuilder can be used to import the data, which will then appear in the GIS-ID Control Center. If you edit the GIS-ID collection field in the element properties or element FlexTable, the data you enter there will also appear in the GIS-ID Control Center. 

If an element is deleted from the model and it had a GIS-ID associated with it, you are still able to track these elements and their GIS-IDs. A separate "GIS-ID Control Center for Deleted Elements" has also been included. This will allow you to track the GIS-IDs used in a given model, even for elements no longer present.

For cases where the spatial join approach may not work well, consider using the GIS-ID Control Center to update your GIS-ID system. Right click on the GIS-ID column header, choose "Select Column", click the Copy button and paste into an external application such as Excel. You may also want to paste in the Label field to ensure that the order is the same when pasting back in. Next, modify the GIS-IDs in the external application (such as Excel) to the new naming convention. When done, ensure that the table is in the same order as the GIS-ID Control center, copy the GIS-ID column, navigate to the GIS-ID Control Center, select the first cell under the GIS-ID column and press CTRL+V to paste. 

Spatial care will be needed when one-to-many situations are involved (one element with multiple GIS-IDs).

See Also

Building and updating a model using ModelBuilder

Expected workflows when keeping a model in sync with