Is there any way to only adjust the pipe size without changing the invert?

 Product(s):SewerCAD, StormCAD, SewerGEMS
 Version(s):08.11.XX.XX, 10.XX.XX.XX


When I used the constraint based design function it changed the pipe (manhole) invert and pipe size, however, I do not want to change the invert. Is there anyway to only adjust the pipe size without changing the invert?

Problem ID#: 78836


If you have small number of pipes where this applies, open the properties dialog of the pipe or pipes where you do not want to design the inverts and set the "Design Start Invert?" and "Design Stop Invert?" to 'False'.

If you have a larger number of pipes where this will apply, you can open the conduit FlexTable and globally edit the "Design Start Invert?" and "Design Stop Invert?" columns to set these to False. When you run the constraint based design tool the invert elevations will not be adjusted.

See Also

Design conduit inverts without changing conduit diameter
Troubleshooting Constraint Based Design Results