The purpose of this article is to provide a list of resources for new users to CivilStorm. Please use these links to gain a better understanding of the CivilStorm software. If you have any further questions, please post on the OpenFlows Forum.
Welcome Kit - A one page document clarifying common sources of initial confusion: downloading, licensing, training, support. Link (you must be signed in to download)
What's New in the latest version? - As new versions are released, an article is published with details of the new features. You can find these articles, and other links related to CivilStorm, here: CivilStorm TechNotes and FAQs
Getting Started with the CONNECT Edition - If you have used the software before but are new to the CONNECT Edition, check out: Get to know SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, SewerCAD and StormCAD CONNECT Edition
Downloading and Installation - For information on how to download the latest version: Downloading OpenFlows / Hydraulics and Hydrology Software
Licensing and activating licenses - For information and troubleshooting licensing, see this link: OpenFlows Product Licensing (Activation) FAQs and Troubleshooting
Software Compatibility - Information on Operating System, AutoCAD and MicroStation compatibility can be found here: Platform Compatibility
Quick Start Lessons - The Quick Start lessons give you hands-on experience with many of the features and capabilities of CivilStorm. These detailed lessons will help you get started exploring and using the software. To access the Quick Start Lessons within CivilStorm go to File > Help > Quick Start Lessons (CONNECT Edition) or Help > Quick Start Lessons (V8i)
Bentley Training
- YouTube Playlists
- LEARN Server
- Basic Storm Sewer Design and Modeling in StormCAD, CivilStorm and SewerGEMS
- For a certificate / learn units / professional development hours (PDH), see: Learning Unit
OpenFlows Calendar - upcoming live training and new product release dates - OpenFlows Calendar
Free Webinars- free video webinars on various features in CivilStorm (and other products): - Bentley Webinars
YouTube Channel - videos that showcase useful functionality: CivilStorm Playlist on the Bentley Hydraulics and Hydrology Modeling Channel
Example Models - Another way to become acquainted with CivilStorm is to run and experiment with the included sample files, located in the "Samples" folder within the product installation folder (typically C:\Program Files\Bentley\CivilStorm\Samples).
Scenarios and Alternatives- Learn how to use the powerful Scenario management capabilities: Scenario and Alternative Management
CivilStorm-related TechNotes - Additional comprehensive technical articles for CivilStorm: CivilStorm TechNotes and FAQs
OpenFlows Community Wiki - A comprehensive collection of wiki articles is available to search through, for specific questions, topics and problems. Using the search bar from within the wiki will search for all articles for OpenFlows products, including CivilStorm. - OpenFlows Wiki
Help documentation - The context-sensitive, in-program Help is a good first step to finding answers to questions or information on how to use features. Use the Help button within the feature, or the main help button at the top of the application (or under the Help menu in older versions)
OpenFlows Forum - This forum provides a place to ask questions and contribute to discussions on OpenFlows products. - OpenFlows | Hydraulics and Hydrology Forum
Alerts on new releases and updates- Subscribe to our blog or check the CONNECTION Client for new release alerts. Read more here: How to receive alerts on new version availability
Reference Books -
SCMD - Stormwater Conveyance Modeling and Design
Stormwater conveyance design and analysis requires the engineer to consider a number of system components, including open channels, inlets, roadway crossings, storm sewers, and detention facilities. Stormwater Conveyance Modeling and Design guides you through the design and analysis process using a unique approach that combines the theoretical fundamentals with practical design guidance and hydraulic modeling techniques
Stormwater Conveyance Modeling and Design
CAiHE - Computer Applications in Hydraulic Engineering
Computer Applications in Hydraulic Engineering (CAiHE), 8th Edition is an all-inclusive water resources guide for practicing engineers and students in the hydraulics and hydrology fields. It links theory with real-world applications through exercises and examples of the technology, theory, and analysis methods at the forefront of hydraulic
engineering. The examples cover everything from water quality analysis and hydraulic theory to detention pond design, dynamic modeling, culvert hydraulics, and more.