Unable to edit Engineering Libraries with lock symbol / showing as ""

Product(s):WaterGEMS, SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, StormCAD, PondPack, SewerCAD, HAMMER, WaterCAD
Version(s):08.11.XX.XX, 10.XX.XX.XX


Under Engineering Libraries, different libraries show up with a lock next to them and they cannot be edited.


Engineering Libraries shows "<Unavailable>"

Problem ID#: 48926


The lock symbol means that the particular engineering library is read-only. This could be due to the respective library's .XML file being stored in a location that you do not have write permissions to, or it could mean that the program was not run as administrator and therefore does not have access to modify the engineering libraries because they are not contained within the user's Windows profile. You can note the path to the file in the properties of the respective XML file in the Engineering Libraries dialog.

If you have admin rights on your computer, try closing the OpenFlows product, then re-open it by right clicking on the shortcut and choosing "Run as Administrator".

Sometimes, if the .XML library file has been moved it would show up with "<Unavailable>" next to it. Close the product and try to edit or delete the "engineeringlibraries.sqlite" file at C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Bentley\EngineeringLibraries\ and reopen the product. When relaunching the product, the engineeringlibraries.sqlite file would be recreated and point to the default XML files in the product. In this case if you have any custom XML files you would need to re-add them.

In some cases this could be caused by a problem with the means that the library files are missing. In this case, try deleting the engineering library registry.

Also, some users have reported that going into the Properties of the product's executable file and setting it to "Run As Administrator" has allowed them access to edit the library file.

See Also

Default Engineering Library missing

Transferring custom Engineering Library files from one computer to another

Modifying and using Engineering Library Data