Opening a DGN file containing OpenRoads Designer drainage data

Product(s):SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, StormCAD, SewerCAD
Version(s):CONNECT Edition, V8i 08.11.05.XX+
Area: Layout and Data Input


Can a DGN file containing drainage data from OpenRoads Designer / SUDA be opened in the standalone version of an OpenFlows product?


A .DGN file can be opened from the File menu. Go to File > Open and choose the *.DGN file from the "files of type" drop down list. If the *DGN option isn't there browse to where the DGN file is located and in the "File Name" dialog box type in  * followed by hitting the enter key. This will reveal the .DGN file.  

If the DGN contains a storm/sewer hydraulic model, you will be asked to choose the "model" within the DGN, then the hydraulic model data will appear.

Note: if you notice that the plan view of the imported DGN file does not appear as expected, you may have encountered a known issue (reference # 991950) related to a previously saved model. In this case, try going to File > Database Utilities > Synchronize Drawing.

See Also

Understanding OpenFlows - Hydraulics and Hydrology Functionality in Drainage & Utilities / OpenRoads